Doing Zionism

Newsletter: Israel Media Highlights - Update 14 05 09

Annotated collection of links to 9 recent articles helpful to Israel Advocacy


Zionist Federations bring "The Case for Israel" to the Jewish public (London, UK)

Alan Dershowitz presents his film at an event organized by the UK Zionist Federation


Standing Ovation: Idan Raichel and a Star Event with the Zionist Federation in the UK to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut

Israel's 61st Independence Day, Zionist Federation UK - inspiring and memorable events, despite protesters and change of venue


Herzl Day - Marking 149 Years since the Birth of Theodor Herzl

Online features and articles about Yom Herzl (Herzl Day), and collections of resources about Theodor Herzl, with Poster preview


Herzl Awards 5769 - 2009

The Herzl Award is the jewel in the crown of the Department for Zionist Activities, consisting of an inscribed bronze statuette of Herzl, accompanied by a personal certificate. Candidates are all young leaders under age 44, making an outstanding contribution in the field of Israel Advocacy, Zionism, and Israel program activism. Nominations for the Herzl Award were presented by Zionist Federations and approved by an award committee for four countries in the first half of 2009: Great Britain, Sweden, South Africa and the USA.


Jerusalem Prize Awards, 5769 - 2009

The Jerusalem Prize is a beautiful, mounted and engraved silver shofar, awarded annually as a mark of recognition and appreciation for work for Israel and, in some cases, the calling of a lifetime. Nominations for Jerusalem Prizes have so far been received and approved in 2009 by the Department's own nominations committee for Canada and Sweden.


President Shimon Peres: Greetings to Jewish Communities around the world on the Occasion of Israel's 61st Independence Day

Time for reflection and prayer for the wellbeing of the Jewish People in Israel and around the world


Zionist Federations Worldwide Mark Yom Hazikaron & Israel's 61st Independence Day

Chag Atzma'ut Sameach - Happy Israel Independence Day! We invite you to join Zionist Federations around the world as we mark Yom Hazikaron, Israel's Remembrance Day today, and celebrate 61 Years of Israeli Independence.


Pro-Israel Activism on the Durban Review Conference - April 2009

Please use these reputable resources as your springboard for further discussion, activism and distribution.


4000 Diaspora Jews Visit Virtual Tent in Support of Schalit Family

During the past week, over 4000 Jews from around the globe have entered the virtual tent established on Facebook by the Department for Zionist Activities of the World Zionist Organization, expressing their identification with the pain of the Schalit family as they struggle for Gilad's release. Another 1000 messages of support have been communicated over the Department's website ( On Thursday afternoon, David Breakstone (right), a member of the Zionist Executive who initiated the campaign, and Marty Davis, the Department's Director of Operations met with Noam Schalit opposite the Prime Minister's residence, and handed him a binder with more than 100 pages of messages of support.


Call to Action: Bring Gilad Shalit Home!

Briefing and activity ideas for the 1,000 Days Campaign/ around the Facebook Rally, updated 17th March 2009


American Zionist Movement delivers Purim Packages in Ashkelon

AZM sends Mishloach Manot to Amit school and Neveh Channah children's home in Ashkelon in conjunction with the Department for Zionist Activities


Israel Science Day, London, 6th March 2009

Zionist Federation of UK organizes highly successful Israel Science Events for students and public; threats to wield boycott pressure ineffective. Also: Pictures from the Events


The New Aliyah from Yemen, 2009 - or: If you will it, it is no dream

Sayid Ben Yisrael and family: a behind-the-scenes update from Karma Feinstein-Cohen, Executive-Director of World Magshimei Herut, WZO


ZF UK: Israeli Ambassador to India, Mark Sofer, talks on India Israel Relations

Overview of the historical commonalities of independence in India and Israel, and the development of diplomatic, commercial, and cultural relations between the two countries.


Israel Solidarity - Operation Cast Lead (Activity Round-up)

Israel Solidarity rallies and activities worldwide, December 2008-February 2009


AZYC - MASA Israel Opening Seminar 5769, December 2008/January 2009

Israel Opening Seminar for 150 Youth movement graduates in Israel - Highlights


Scandinavia Jewish Communities Chanukah Caravan 5769

Scandinavian Jewish communities participate in interactive, educational and experience for all ages


The Zionist Federation Brings �A Taste of Israel� to Street Market

The ZF organized a three-day outdoor Israeli Market on the High Road of Temple Fortune earlier this week. The Market hosted 40 exhibitors displaying unique and interesting Israeli products.


Herzl Award Recipients 2008

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2008 winners of the fifth annual Herzl Award, initiated by the Department for Zionist Activities to commemorate the Centenary of Herzl's passing.



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