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Doing Zionism in Austria

Zionist Federation of Austria Celebrates Jerusalem Day

About 150 people were in attendance at the celebration of Yom Yerusalayim.

B'nai Akiva and Hashomer Hatzair Representatives Visit the Finish Embassy in Austria

A delegation of young people, under to auspices of the Zionist Federation of Austria, present a petition to the EU Presidency calling for the release of Israeli captured soldiers.

The Herzl Exhibition, Produced by the Department for Zionist Activities, Opens in Vienna

The event was organized by the Zionist Federation in Austria, the Israeli Embassy and the newspaper "Neue Illustrierte Welt", formerly known as "Neue Welt" � the newspaper which was founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897.

Celebrating Yom Ha'atzmaut with Ambassador Yitzchack Mayer

As part of its Yom Ha'atzmaut celebration, the Zionist Federation of Austria hosted scholar in resident Yitzchack Mayer for a five day seminar to commemorate Herzl's centenary. Mayer spoke to the Jewish community of Vienna on relevant Jewish topics such as the Holocaust, Israel Today, Anti-Semitism and Herzl.

Reliving Aliyat Hanoar in Vienna

Letters and poems written by young people, who succeeded in escaping the hell of the Shoah, are shared with the Viennese community.