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Doing Zionism in Germany

Dr. Robert Guttmann presents the Jerusalem Prize to Dr. Guenther Beckstein Dr. Guenther Beckstein Recipient of the Jerusalem Prize in Germany

More than 500 people and representatives of the media came to the event, which was held in a crowded "Sophiensaal" in Munich.

Mr. Yaron Traub, conductor  with The Duesseldorf Symphonic Orchestra  ZION in Duesseldorf

The Zionist Organisation of Germany pays homage to 100 years since the passing of Theodor Herzl

The Zionist Organisation in Germany Commemorates the 100th Anniversary of Dr. Theodor Herzl�s Death.

A large crowd, including the Russian speaking community, attended the special event in Munich, which not only marked the centenary of Herzl's passing but also awarded the Jerusalem prize to a most worthy honouree.

Two Weeks of Herzl with the Zionist Organization of Germany

"'If you will it, it shall not remain a dream' � 100 years since Herzl's death", was the theme of lectures, films and songs which highlighted the summer for many in Berlin.

Demonstration Against Terrorism

A demonstration was held in downtown Frankfurt, organized by the Zionist Federation of Germany, to show solidarity with USA and Israel in their anti terrorist campaign.

Call for Solidarity with Israel

Thousands of leaflets and info brochures handed out in the pedestrian area of the Frankfurt shopping district.

Voices and Faces from Israel

A young dynamic team brought Zionism to Russian speaking communities throughout Germany via an Aliyah Caravan.