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Doing Zionism in Denmark

The Danish Jewish Community Meets Israeli Foreign Minister Livni

Charlotte Thalmay, a member of the Executive and participant in the recent WZO Solidarity Mission to Israel, represented the Danish Zionist Federation at a meeting giving the leaders of the Danish Jewish Community an opportunity to meet Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.

Copenhagen Expresses Its Solidarity with Israel

The Danish Zionist Federation along with other Jewish organisations as well as our Danish friendship organisations arranged a solidarity meeting at the synagogue in Copenhagen.

On�Your�Way-Home-Meeting with Shai Hermesh and Joel Hasson

With only short notice the Danish Zionist Organization managed to arrange a on-your-way-home meeting with Shai Hermesh and Joel Hasson from Kadima.

Demonstration In Front of the Danish Parliament

With very little notice and in the name of Israel Connect, the youth organisation in the Danish Zionist Federation, a pro-Israel demonstration was organised in front of the Danish Parliament, Christiansborg.

Yom Ha'atzmaut Headed by the Danish Zionist Federation

The celebration of Yom Ha�atzmaut began Tuesday evening with a beautiful ceremony at the synagogue in Copenhagen.

The Israeli Elections in Copenhagen

The Danish Zionist Federation together with Eitan, an Israeli club, arranged an electoral evening in Copenhagen.

On-Your-Way-Home Meeting with Martin Krasnik

An interesting and enlightening talk about Muslim fundamentalism was given by a journalist who had just returned from a trip to several Muslim countries.

The Danish Zionist Federation watches "Munich"

Some 100 persons came together to watch Steven Spielberg new movie.

Prof. Israeli on Swedish radio The Department for Zionist Activities Scholar in Residence Program

Prof. Israel, from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, informs and inspires in Sweden, Denmark and Holland.

Zionist Federation of Denmark Remembers Kristallnacht

Several hundred people marched in Copenhagen on Wednesday to mark the 67th anniversary of the German pogrom known as �Kristallnacht� or �Night of Broken Glass.�

The Zionist Federation of Denmark Organizes Demonstration "Iran Out of the UN"

With very short notice more than 100 people arrived at the site of the Iranian Embassy to protest against the statement made by the newly elected president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Israel should be "wiped out from the map," insisting that a new series of attacks will destroy the Jewish state, and lashing out at Muslim countries and leaders that acknowledge Israel.

Jewish School in Denmark Celebrates its 200th Anniversary

The Carolineskolen Jewish School in Denmark, is honored by the presence of Queen Margrethe in celebrating 200 years of learning.

The Zionist Federation of Denmark Once Again "Leads the Band" for a Great Yom Ha'atzamut Celebration

For the first time in several years the big celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut was moved from the Jewish community Centre in Copenhagen to the Jewish school. The decision was taken because of the large number of people attending the celebration.

The Jerusalem Prize and the Herzl Award Presented by the Zionist Federation of Denmark

The two prestigious prizes were presented at a reception at the Israeli Embassy in Denmark

On-Your-Way-Home-Meeting with Manu Sareen

Approximately 50 people attended a very interesting evening on the subject of "Islam and Anti-Semitism".

On-Your-Way-Home-Meeting with Farshad Kholgi

Farshad Kholgi loves democracy, freedom of speech, and Israel, and he hates the extreme Islam. He says this in public, on television, radio, and he writes it in newspapers.

Denmark Commemorates Crystal Nacht

The Zionist Federation of Denmark together with the Jewish Community organized a torch guard in front of the big synagogue in Copenhagen.

On-Your-Way-Home-Meeting with Mogens Rukov

Mogens Rukov is one of the very few from the so-called intellectual group and opinion formers, who publicly and strongly supports Israel.