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Doing Zionism in France

Herzl Caravan in Winter Camps in France

Young people from BBYO, "Zofim", DEJJ, Betar, Young Judea and "Yaniv" all Jewish youth movements had a special treat at their winter camps this year � Herzl came to visit.

Yom Haatzmaut in France

The Zionist Organization of France is one of many partners putting together an exciting evening to celebrate Yom Haatzmaut

left to right: Samuel Pisar; Frederic Encel; Rivon Krygier; Claude Machline "Anti-Semitism / Anti-Zionism: What Are the Answers?"

"Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism" was the subject of an evening, organized by the Zionist Federation of France and the Masorti Movement in France. The evening was held in the Bataclan Hall in Paris and was attended by some 600 people.

Zionist Federations Join The Hague Demonstration

Representatives from Zionist Federations in Europe join the demonstration in The Hague to show their support for Israel.

A Day of Zionism for French Tourists

Aware of the large number of enthusiastic French tourists in Israel this summer, Robert Zbili, president of the French Zionist Federation, proposed organizing special Zionist day trips for them during August.

Zionist Caravan in France

The Department for Zionist Activities with the cooperation of the Aliyah Department of the Jewish Agency and the Zionist Federation in France brings Zionism to Jewish communities in France