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Doing Zionism in Israel

Herzl Award 2007 in Chile

The Herzl Award 2007 was awarded to two young Zionist activists, Andrés Abramovicz and Marisol Garriga.

Zionism: Close Up and Personal in Tucson

Temple Emanu-El is hosting an exhibit that commemorates the life of one of Israel's Zionist founding fathers, Theodor Herzl.

Herzl Award Recipients 2007

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2007 winners of the fourth annual Herzl Award, initiated by the Department for Zionist Activities to commemorate the Centenary of Herzl's passing.

Zionist Federation of Argentina Awards the Jerusalem Prize for 2007

In an impressive ceremony, the World Zionist Organization of Argentina awarded the 2007 Jerusalem Prize to journalist Nelson Castro.

Remains of Grandson of Founder of Zionist Movement reinterred in Jerusalem

The Government of Israel and the World Zionist Organization repaid the historic and moral debt to Binyamin Ze'ev (Theodor ) Herzl.

Zionist Federations of Latin American Conference

The Conference of Zionist Federations of Latin America (COSLA) coincided with the date of the UN declaration of partition, and was organized by the Department of Zionist Activities to kick off the Six months to Sixty activities.

Alberto Moryusef Awarded 2007 Herzl Award in Venezuela

The Herzl Award was presented to Alberto Moryusef, a young, tireless volunteer who is now serving as the Vice-President of the Federation.

Zionism in Every Corner of South Africa

Six communities around South Africa were visited by the Zionist Caravan.

Mr. Mannheimer (left) shares his personal experience as an inmate in Dachau European Gathering of Heads of Zionist Federations Together with Representatives of Dor Hemshech

The Heads of 13 European Zionist Federations and 11 young leadership representatives gathered in Munich, Germany to deal with pertinent Zionist issues and challenges facing the Zionist Movement in Europe today.

The weight on our shoulders

This week, two of Herzl�s children were laid to rest on the Jerusalem mount bearing their father�s name.


The WZO World Wide Solidarity Mission , attended by supporters of Israel mobilized by Zionist Federations in 16 different countries spent 3 intensive days from Haifa in the north to Sderot in the south seeing and hearing first hand about the war and its ramifications.

Supporters of Israel Around the World Honored

The Jerusalem Prize, sponsored by the Department for Zionist Activities, is awarded by Zionist Federations to outstanding personalities, Jewish and non-Jewish, who have demonstrated exceptional support for Israel, Jerusalem and the Zionist cause. Among the 2006 recipients:

Herzl Award Recipients 2006

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2006 winners of the third annual Herzl Award, initiated by the Department for Zionist Activites to commemorate the Centenary of Herzl's passing.

The Department for Zionist Activities Scholar in Residence Program

Montreal welcomed Professor Raphael Israeli when he spoke at the Zave Ettinger Memorial Annual Lecture.

Zionist Caravan at Youth Movement's Winter Camps

The Department for Zionist Activities, along with the Department for Jewish-Zionist Education and the Zionist Federations in France, Italy and Belgium, organized a mini-caravan in the French and Swiss Alps.

Yet Another Super Israel Advocacy Seminar

Following the success of the Israel Advocacy seminar of December 2004, the Department for Zionist Activities organised another advocacy seminar for activists from English Speaking countries.

Prof. Israeli on Swedish radio The Department for Zionist Activities Scholar in Residence Program

Prof. Israel, from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, informs and inspires in Sweden, Denmark and Holland.

Collegians �do the write thing� at General Assembly

Some 35 aspiring journalists from 33 universities, most of whom work on their school newspapers, have been selected to participate in the 16th annual Do the Write Thing program at the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities (GA) in Toronto.

The Herzl Exhibit in Serbia

The Jewish Communities of Serbia translated the Visitor's Guide into Serbian in order to make the most of the traveling exhibit as it winds its way throughout the country.

The Herzl Award: an original bronze sculpture by Michael Katz The Herzl Award 2004-2005

The Department for Zionist Activities is pleased to announce the recipients of the Herzl Award.


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