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Doing Zionism in New Zealand

Israel Week 2007 Full of Zionist Activities in Aukland

The full week program in Auckland and expanded program in Wellington drew well over 1000 people across all events.

The Zionist Federation of New Zealand Presents The Herzl Award

Mazal Tov to Phil Koningham on receiving the Herzl Award for his dedication and commitment to the United Israel Appeal.

The Zionist Federation of New Zealand Celebrates Israel Week

The Jewish community of New Zealand has just completed a week long celebration of Israel.

Zionist Federation of New Zealand - Yom Haatzmaut

Cabaret style evening featuring the Israeli Army Band to mark Israel Independence Day in Auckland

Professor Eytan Gilboa Visits Australia and New Zealand

Professor Eytan Gilboa � Professor of politics and communication at Bar Ilan University, had a hectic schedule of speeches, workshops and interviews during his recent visit to Australia and New Zealand.