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Doing Zionism in Sweden

Project "Chanukah Caravan� 2007 Visits Scandanavian Communities

During the eight days of Chanukka, a group of 6 Shlichim, and 3 members of the �Tandu� band, toured through Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland).

Zionist Federation of Sweden Presents the Jerusalem Prize 2007

Minister Miriam Pauncz, from the Israeli Embassy, presented the beautiful, silver embossed Shofar to Mr. Gunnar Hökmark, member of the European Parliament in Brussels.

Herzl Award recipient, Dmitri Vasserman (left) with Ambassador Eviatar Manor and Bo Sallmander (right), Chair of the Zionist Federation Dmitri Vasserman Herzl Award Recipient in Sweden

The Zionist Federation of Sweden presented the Herzl Award to Mr. Vasserman, a young Zionist activist, at the annual meeting of the Stockholm section of the Sweden-Israel Friendship Association.

Zionist Federation Participates in Jerusalem Day Celebrations

An evening of remembrance and joy was held in the Jewish Community Hall of Stockholm to mark Yom Yerusalayim.

Caravan Chanukka in Scandinavia

Bnei Akiva in cooperation with the Zionist Federation in Sweden and the Center for Jewish Services in the Diaspora brings Chanukah to Scandinavia

Zionist Federation of Sweden Presents the Jerusalem Prize

Israel's Ambassador to Sweden, Eviatar Manor, presented the Jerusalem prize to parliamentarian Ewa Bjoerling.

MP Professor Ewa Bjoerling, the recipient of the Jerussalem Prize 2006, addressing the crowd Report from Israel Rally in Stockholm Organized by the Zionist Federation

Heavy rain started pouring over Stockholm half an hour before the rally was scheduled to start. By the time we assembled at Raoul Wallenberg�s Square on 20 August at 6 p.m. the skies had cleared, the sun was shining � a perfect Support Israel Rally kind of weather.

Positive Zionism from the Zionist Federation of Sweden

The Swedish Federation has taken it upon itself to compile POSITIVE news from Israel in a monthly 6-page e-mail letter that is being sent free to some 700 subscribers, Jews and non-Jews.

B'nai Akiva Eurovision Contest

With the support of the Zionist Federation of Sweden the song festival along with the Shabbaton, was once again one of the major events of the year.

Zionist Federation of Sweden Partners in Chanukah Caravan

For the sixth consecutive year, Bnai Akiva Scandinavia held its Chanukah Caravan � this year in cooperation with the ZF of Sweden.

Prof. Israeli on Swedish radio The Department for Zionist Activities Scholar in Residence Program

Prof. Israel, from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, informs and inspires in Sweden, Denmark and Holland.

Born to be Free - Rally for Israeli MIAs

The Zionist Federation of Sweden helps in the organization of the local rally held in the center of Stockholm, which saw cooperation between Jewish, Iranian and Kurdish students.

The Zionist Federation of Sweden Presents "Herzl: Up Close and Personal"

Some 40 people from the Jewish community of Stockholm gather in the Jewish Center there to enjoy an evening of Herzl.