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Doing Zionism in South Africa

Cape Town Launches 60th Celebrations with Long List of Israeli-Zionist Activities

Cape Town community launched its 6 months to Israel's 60th anniversary activities with an outstanding Dudu Fisher concert.

The South African Zionist Federation and Israel at 60

The SAZF launched its Israel at 60 celebrations with a magnificent Diamond Anniversary Concert at Johannesburg's Linder Auditorium on 14 November, 2007.

Zionism in Every Corner of South Africa

Six communities around South Africa were visited by the Zionist Caravan.

Western Province Zionist Council Awards Jerusalem Prize

Izzy Wolman and Queenie Sacks were recipients of the Jerusalem Prize awarded in Capetown, South Africa.

South African Zionist Federation Celebrates Yom Yerusalayim

A capacity crowd of over 300 people packed the Sandton Shul hall to enjoy the Yom Yerushalayim festivities, presented jointly for the first time by the South African Zionist Federation and Mizrachi SA.

South Africa Zionist Federation Programs for Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut

Three varied programs marked this year's commemoration activities for Memorial Day and Independence Day, included a presentation of Marlyn Butchins Dizengoff Quilt Memorial Project.

South African Zionist Federation 2006 Solidarity Concert of the Year

Close to 1000 people attended the concert of three musical maestros, which was hosted by the SAZF and the Jewish National Fund of South Africa, with generous sponsorship from the World Zionist Organisation.

Left to right: Marcia Parness, Dan Ginsberg, 2005 winner and Shaun Croock, 2006 winner ISRAEL QUIZ �2006


Johannesburg police car with Israeli flags during Solidarity Rally Solidarity Rally in Johannesburg Organized by the South African Zionist Federation

The event, attended by thousands, gave various community leaders a chance to publicly articulate their support for the difficult actions that Israel has been forced into.

Solidarity Meeting Held in Durban, South Africa

In a packed hall, and under the auspices of the KwaZulu-Natal Zionist Council and the Council KwaZulu-Natal Jewry, over 500 members of the Durban Jewish Community, together with our Christian Zionist friends, came together at the Durban Jewish Centre to show solidarity and support for Israel.

Yom Ha'atzmaut 2006 in Johannesburg

Despite the inclement weather, a few thousand people gathered together at the Balfour Park Shopping Centre to enjoy a wonderful celebration of Israel's Independence Day.

The Zionist Federation of South Africa Remembers

A most dignified and memorable Yom Hazikaron commemorative ceremony, attended by about 850 people was held in Johannesburg under the auspices of the SA Zionist Federation

L - R Adv Jonathan Silke Hon Life President WPZC, Moonyeen Castle chairman SAJBOD, David Hersch Chairman WPZC, Michael Bagraim National Chairman SAJBOD, Mr Michael Breslin 82 year old holocaust survivor Holocaust Day Siren Heard in Cape Town

Due to the efforts of the Western Province Zionist Council of the South African Zionist Federation, a siren was sounded commemorating Yom Hashoah for the first time ever in a country in the Diaspora.


The South African Zionist Federation, together with the Israel Centre, Habonim, Bnei Akiva, Betar and Netzer, and in association with the JNF, WZO and the IUA-UCF, hosted a solemn and dignified 10th Memorial Tribute to Yitzhak Rabin.

finalists The South African Zionist Federation Zionist Quiz -2005

The Quiz organised by the South African Zionist Federation and the Israel Centre, supported by the IUA/UCF was an unprecedented success. 35 participants from 8 Schools participated in the first 2 rounds, and the top 15 were selected to go through to the finals.


The South African Zionist Federation held a most successful Panel Discussion.

"Hora Yerushalaim" Thrill the Crowds in Johannesburg

The South African Zionist Federation was thrilled with the attendance at the Yom Ha'atzmaut 2005 celebration held this year at the Gold Reef City.

South African Zionist Federation Commemorates Yom Hazikaron

A most moving and solemn ceremony, attended by 850 people was addressed by Ilan Fluss, Charges D'Affairs of the Israeli Embassy in Pretoria, and Avrom Krengel, Chairman SAZF (who paid tribute to and mentioned by name the 74 South Africans who had given their lives for Israel in her wars since 1948).

Aliyah Fair in Johannesburg

Almost 700 people attended the Israel Fair organized by the South African Zionist Federation, the Israel Centre and Israel United Appeal in the Glenhazel Shul. The IUA/SAZF guest speaker, MK Natan Sharansky, was the major draw card.

Cape Town Demonstration in Support of Israel

The demonstration was an expression of the ongoing relationship between the Western Province Zionist Council and the Interfaith Group


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