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Lectures & Conferences

Zionist Federations of Latin American Conference

The Conference of Zionist Federations of Latin America (COSLA) coincided with the date of the UN declaration of partition, and was organized by the Department of Zionist Activities to kick off the Six months to Sixty activities.

Zionist Federation UK hosts Jerusalem Post Editor in Chief

An informative breakfast meeting was addressed by David Horovitz, Managing Editor in Chief of the Jerusalem Post.

Mr. Mannheimer (left) shares his personal experience as an inmate in Dachau European Gathering of Heads of Zionist Federations Together with Representatives of Dor Hemshech

The Heads of 13 European Zionist Federations and 11 young leadership representatives gathered in Munich, Germany to deal with pertinent Zionist issues and challenges facing the Zionist Movement in Europe today.

Collegians �do the write thing� at General Assembly

Some 35 aspiring journalists from 33 universities, most of whom work on their school newspapers, have been selected to participate in the 16th annual Do the Write Thing program at the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities (GA) in Toronto.

Lecture Series � South African Zionist Federation (SAZF)

Four interesting and diverse lecturers inspire their audiences in Johannesburg

Theodor Herzl Represented at the Limmud Conference in England

This year the number of participants at Limmud exceeded 2000 people with over 700 diverse sessions being presented throughout the week. Sessions included political discussions, film and drama sessions, text studies, music workshops to name a few. There was representation from all across the globe with specific sessions in a number of different languages.

Long Distance Lectures

Mr. Eytan Gilboa, from a comfortable chair in Jerusalem, participated in a meeting of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain in London.

Do The Write Thing at the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities

A group of Jewish campus journalists benefited from a well organized and successful conference in its 15th year.

Zionist Organization of Argentina Presents: "Israel Today � Problems and Solutions"

Dr. Jose Itzigsohn opened the four part lecture series, "CENTRO CONTEMPORANEO DE ESTUDIOS JUDAICOS Y SIONISTAS" in Buenos Aires.

On-Your-Way-Home-Meeting with Mogens Rukov

Mogens Rukov is one of the very few from the so-called intellectual group and opinion formers, who publicly and strongly supports Israel.

Supporting Alía and Educational Programs in Mexico

The Mexican Zionist Federation working together with the Alia Department of the Jewish Agency participated at the Annual Congress of Looking for Your Future. The all day conference helps high school graduates find a suitable university in Mexico City or around the world.

Louise Ellman MP The Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland hold its biennial conference at the Hampstead Britannia Hotel, London.

The almost two hundred Zionists who attended the conference agreed that it was a fascinating, informative and rewarding day.

The Trauma of Terrorism Amongst the Israeli Population - lecture by Dr. Yonatan Fine

The Zionist Organization of Argentina sponsored a lecture to learn about the effects of terrorism on the lives of Israelis.

Dr. David Breakstone, head of the Department for Zionist Activity (left) and Dr. Ron Weiser, President, Zionist Federation of Australia Zionist Federation of Australia - National Jewish Educators Conference

Australian Jewish educators demonstrated their commitment to Jewish learning and teaching at the largest gathering of its kind in Australia � the National Biennial Jewish Educators Conference run by the Zionist Federation of Australia.

The Zionist Organization of Argentina Bids Farewell to Ambassador Benjamin Oron

One hundred people came to say good bye to the Israeli Ambassador to Argentina and to salute him on a job well done as he concludes his term of office.

From left: Eng. Manuel Junowicz, President OSA; Benny Schneid, Director OSA; Pilar Rahola; Herberto Veiswein, Vice President Keren Hayesod in Argentina The Terrorist Threat and the New European Anti-Semitic / Anti-Israel Trend

Zionist Organization of Argentina (OSA) hosted Pilar Rahola, famous Spanish journalist and politician for an enlightening and inspirational conference.

Herzl with (from left to right) Tibi Roth - Romania, David Breakstone - Israel, Dan Cohen – Holland, Nechemja Gang – Austria, Makis Batis – Greece, Dorrit Norden – Denmark, Saralyn Greenblatt – Israel and Andras Buchler - Hungary Herzl Traveling Exhibit Unveiled at the Annual European Zionist Federation Chairs' Conference

This year's conference was held along side and in conjunction with the 3rd Annual European General Assembly held in Budapest, Hungary.

Conference in Latin America for Jewish Agency (JAFI) Emissaries

Exciting initiatives within the framework of Partnership 2000 for South American Zionist Federations

ZF Breakfast with Ephraim Eitam

Twenty people sat down at 8.30 in the morning, had an excellent breakfast and were treated to an excellent, but brief talk by our guest.

Ciclo de Conferencias Con el Dr.Ifthaj Treguerman

Dr. Iftach Treguereman, sent to Mexico by the Department for Zionist Activities, lectured to participants from the Jewish community in Mexico City. The charismatic Dr. Treguereman spoke at four conferences and a leadership seminar where his lectures were both informative and entertaining.


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