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Hanoar Hatzioní, acto de preparación de su 60 aniversario 17/10/2004 Exposici�n Herzl en Uruguay

La Exposici�n Herzl fue presentada en varias instituciones en Uruguay. siendo vista por un numeroso p�blico.

Fighting Anti-Semitism in the FSU

The Zionist Organization of Russia "Moria" plays an active role in the three day Conference on Anti-Semitism

left to right: Samuel Pisar; Frederic Encel; Rivon Krygier; Claude Machline "Anti-Semitism / Anti-Zionism: What Are the Answers?"

"Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism" was the subject of an evening, organized by the Zionist Federation of France and the Masorti Movement in France. The evening was held in the Bataclan Hall in Paris and was attended by some 600 people.

New Website on Anti-Semitism

The Department for Jewish Zionist Education of the Jewish Agency for Israel has recently developed a new website dealing with anti-Semitism.