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Jerusalem Prize

Jerusalem Prize Awarded at Annual Zionist Federation Dinner

Eric Moonman, Zionist Federation President, presented the Jerusalem Prize to Michael Gove MP.

Zionist Federation of Argentina Awards the Jerusalem Prize for 2007

In an impressive ceremony, the World Zionist Organization of Argentina awarded the 2007 Jerusalem Prize to journalist Nelson Castro.

Zionist Federation of Sweden Presents the Jerusalem Prize 2007

Minister Miriam Pauncz, from the Israeli Embassy, presented the beautiful, silver embossed Shofar to Mr. Gunnar Hökmark, member of the European Parliament in Brussels.

Zionist Federation of Uruguay Presents Jerusalem Prize 2007

The Jerusalem Prize was awarded this year to Senator Dr. Sergio Abreu.

Western Province Zionist Council Awards Jerusalem Prize

Izzy Wolman and Queenie Sacks were recipients of the Jerusalem Prize awarded in Capetown, South Africa.

Zionist Federation of Australia Celebrates Yom Yerushalayim

The 40th Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem has been celebrated with much zest and fervour across Australia. Specifically, various functions held by the State Zionist Councils elicited good turnouts and great festivities.

Zionist Federation of Sweden Presents the Jerusalem Prize

Israel's Ambassador to Sweden, Eviatar Manor, presented the Jerusalem prize to parliamentarian Ewa Bjoerling.

Dr. Robert Guttmann presents the Jerusalem Prize to Dr. Guenther Beckstein Dr. Guenther Beckstein Recipient of the Jerusalem Prize in Germany

More than 500 people and representatives of the media came to the event, which was held in a crowded "Sophiensaal" in Munich.

Supporters of Israel Around the World Honored

The Jerusalem Prize, sponsored by the Department for Zionist Activities, is awarded by Zionist Federations to outstanding personalities, Jewish and non-Jewish, who have demonstrated exceptional support for Israel, Jerusalem and the Zionist cause. Among the 2006 recipients:

The Jerusalem Prize in Montreal

On May 25, 2006 the Canadian Zionist Federation � Eastern Region will bestow this special award to a very deserving individual, an individual who exemplifies that which this award stands for - Rabbi Reuben Poupko.

Uruguayan Zionist Authorities In The TV Program �Con Mucho Gusto�

The President of the Zionist Organization of Uruguay, Dr. Gerardo Stuczynski, and the President of Honor of the Organization, Mr. Bernardo Olesker, were invited to the well known TV program �Con Mucho Gusto� on Channel 10, as its host, Jerusalem Prize 2005, Sergio Puglia�s special guests.

L. to R: Maestro Sebastian, sculptor; Israeli Ambassador in Mexico, Mr. David Daddon; Mr. Speckman, President of Comite Central of the Jewish Community of Mexico; Dr. Hugo Yoffe, President of the Mexican Zionist Federation. Jerusalem Prize in Mexico

The coveted Jerusalem Prize was presented to the well-known Mexican sculptor Sebastian.

The Jerusalem Prize in Uruguay

The Zionist Federation of Uruguay has a long tradition of honoring its worthy citizens with the Jerusalem Prize.

Downer to Accept Jerusalem Prize awarded by The Zionist Federation of Australia

Current Foreign Minister Alexander Downer will attend the State Zionist Council of Victoria�s Annual Assembly to accept the esteemed Jerusalem Prize, awarded to the Minister for his outstanding support and service to the community.

From left: Dr. Moises Mitrani, President Zionist Federation; Ing. Benjamin Spekman, President of the Central Committee; Sr. David Dadon, Israeli Ambassador; Rabbi Abraham Palti, Rabbi Sepharadic Community;  Lic. Rafael Rodriguez Barrera, recipient Jerusalem Prize; Lic. Eduardo Luis Feher, author and good friend of the FSM; Ing. David Ezquenazi, President Sephardic Community The Zionist Federation of Mexico Awards the Jerusalem Prize to Rafael Rodríguez Barrera

More than 500 people attended the evening in Mexico City, which honored the past Ambassador of Mexico in Israel.

photo by Larry Engelhart / Deja Views Chicago AZM celebrates Yom Yerushalayim

Deputy Consul General David Roet recipient of the Jerusalem Prize 2004

Yom Yerushalaim Celebration in Montevideo

The Zionist Organization of Uruguay honored Mr. Roberto Montenegro, a great friend of Israel, and the conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of SODRE, with the Jerusalem Prize 2004

Reverend De Vreugd with his Jerusalem Prize Zionist Federation of Holland Awards the Jerusalem Prize

Christians for Israel honored for their support of Israel

L-R Arlazar Eliashiv, President of the CZF, Eastern Region; Irwin Cotler, O.C., M.P.holding the Jerusalem Prize; Marc Attali, Consul General of Israel in Montreal Cotler Wins Jerusalem Prize

Mount Royal MP Irwin Cotler and Laval University linguist Annette Paquot were awarded the Jerusalem Prize by the Canadian Zionist Federation last week, for their longtime advocacy of Israel.

Jerusalem Prize to the First Lady of Chile

The Zionist Federation in Santiago succeeded in finding a unique way to convey to the people of Chile the important message that Jerusalem is, and shall forever remain the capital of the State of Israel.


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