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Seminar on Zionist Subjects

Jewish Memorial in Paris 21-28 July - Hashomer Hatzair Seminar Hadracha in France

A group of 10 kids travelled to France, with one madrich. The week was a basic hadracha course, with tzofiut and other activities.

Clockwise from top left: Chairman Stuart Taylor, Director Sam Green, Michael Steel, Gila Finkelstein, Jonathan Taylor, Yehuda Finkelstein. Mizrachi Zionist Federation Continues its Kesher Program

Kesher Program Welcomes MK Gila Finkelstein

The Zionist Federation of Mexico Organizes the 19th Annual Zionist Quiz

The Zionist Federation of Mexico Organizes the 19th Annual Zionist Quiz

Participating in the Congress (from left to right): Leone Passerman, Head of Jewish Communities in Rome; Avi Pazner, World Chair of Keren Hayesod- UIA; Guiseppe Calderolla, Member of Italian Parliament Annual Italian Zionist Congress

"Theodore Herzl, One Hundred Years Afterwards" was the title of the yearly Italian Zionist Congress, in Rome. The purpose was to remember Herzl, not with rhetoric, but rather through a discussion about the purposes of the Zionist movement today.

"The Jewish Zionist Question In South Africa: Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism?"

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Theodore Herzl, the South African Zionist Federation held a most successful and stimulating symposium.

Zionism and Israeli Current Events - Zionist Federations of Latin America in Jerusalem

Israeli Current Events, Zionism, and SOLIDARITY with Israel, are the topics that brought 35 members of the Zionist Federations of Latin America to Israel for a 10 day seminar, sponsored and organized by the Department for Zionist Activities.

Reliving Aliyat Hanoar in Vienna

Letters and poems written by young people, who succeeded in escaping the hell of the Shoah, are shared with the Viennese community.

Mizrachiļæ½s Kesher Program a Hit at Edgware Shabbaton

Large turnouts from all age groups gained a refreshing insight into contemporarty Israeli issues highlighted by Jewish textual sources.

A Day of Zionism for French Tourists

Aware of the large number of enthusiastic French tourists in Israel this summer, Robert Zbili, president of the French Zionist Federation, proposed organizing special Zionist day trips for them during August.

Zionist Political Discussion Groups in Russia

The Zionist organization in Russia "Moria" reports great success in the extension of its network of Zionist political discussion groups to Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don.