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Resources and Articles by Avraham Burg


Burg, Avraham

[email protected]

Party: Labor-Meimad
Born: 19/01/1955 in Israel, Married, Six children.
Residence: Nataf
Education: Studies toward BA at Hebrew University.
Languages: Hebrew, English, and French
Political History in the Knesset: Knesset Member since 1988
Member of Knessets: 12 - Ma`arach; 12,13 - Labor Party; 15 - One Israel; 15 - Labor-Meimad;
Functions in Twelfth Knesset: Member, Finance Committee; The State Control Committee; Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee;
Functions in Thirteenth Knesset: Chairman, Education and Culture Committee Member, The Committee for the Advancement of the Status of Women;
Current Functions: Knesset Speaker
Public Activities - 1985-1988 Served as advisor on Diaspora Affairs to Prime Minister Shimon Peres. - Chairman, Jewish Agency for Israel 1995-1999. During this time under Burg's leadership, there were significant changes in the structure and role of the National Institutions, which began to operate in several new areas such as the restitution of Jewish property stolen during the Holocaust, and the battle for religious pluralism and tolerance among the Jewish People.

The Zionist Imperative:  Religious Pluralism and Israeli Society
Israeli society is in transition from �melting pot� to �mosaic.� The society as a whole can benefit from the flourishing of the unique traditions and ideologies of different ethnic and ideological communities. This implies a true acceptance of pluralism, which �enables those holding every opinion and belief to live as they wish.� Burg believes that many Jews in Israel turn away from Judaism because of its association with establishment institutions and government structures that are negative and alienating. Religion in Israel should also be pluralistic, so that it is �relevant to the modern Jew.� Elements of both Ashkenazic and Sephardic Zionism should be combined to �transform Israel into an exemplary society . . . � [Full article...]
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Herzl and Post-Zionism: Background Text :  Address by Avraham Burg at Mt. Herzl, for the Ceremonial Opening of the Zionist General Council, 17th June 1996
Address by Avraham Burg, then Chairman of the Zionist Executive, and the Jewish Agency for Israel. [Full article...]