Resources and Articles by Richard G. Hirsch

Richard G.
Richard Hirsch is the Honorary Life President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. He currently serves as the Co-Chairman of the Department for the Former Soviet Union, the Baltic States and the Eastern Europe of the Jewish Agency, and is a member of the WZO and Jewish Agency Executives.
From Dreams to Deeds - Herzl's vision and the Challenges of Zionism in the Future:
The Zionist Mandate Today
This essay is an attempt to respond to the question posed by the 19th century Hebrew author, M. Z. Fireberg � �L�an? � Whereto�? Where are we heading? What will be the conditions of Jewish life in the middle of the 21st century? What will be the destiny and character of Israel and world Jewry? For purposes of this article, written as the 35th World Zionist Congress approaches, what challenges confront Zionism? How shall the Zionist Movement best fulfill its responsibilities?
Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism Revisited
The Zionist Imperative:
Toward a Theology of Reform Zionism
The establishment, protection, and development of the State of Israel are integral premises of Progressive Jewish belief. Our covenant with God is a collective one, to be played out in the Land of Israel, its testing ground. In Israel, every issue is a Jewish one, including civil liberties, use of political power, poverty, relating to minority populations. Aliya is to be encouraged among Western Jews.
Zionism Revisited