Resources and Articles by Neil Lazarus

[email protected]
My name is Neil Lazarus and I live in Beit Shemesh, Israel , just outside of Jerusalem.
I received my first degree in Political Science at the University of Wales followed by an MA. at the Hebrew University. I educate and act as a consultant in the areas of Politics, Media, Middle East Affairs and Organizational Management. I have worked with Israeli ambassadors, youth, journalists, students and Community Leaders.
Due to the uniqueness of my seminars I have customers in Israel, South Africa, Britain, Spain, USA, Sweden and Denmark.
Outline of the Lebanon Situation:
In the Wake of the Lebanon Withdrawal
On May 24 2000 the last Israeli troops left Southern Lebanon and a new era in the troubled relations between Jew and Arab began. As I write it is still unclear what the implications of the withdrawal will mean. The risks are great, with Hizbullah literally sitting on Israel’s northern border, but so too are the hopes for the future. Time will tell what will serve the interests of the countries in the region. What is clear is that the ball is firmly in the Syrian court.
Peace Process
Three Part Guide to campaigning and combating anti-Israel propaganda on campus:
Campaigning on Campus
The present situation in Israel and the territories has created a need for students to campaign on campus in order to get across the message that Israel wants peace more effectively. In order for us to combat anti Israel propaganda on campus we too need to be involved in effective campaigning.
The purpose of this paper is to outline the stages of effective campaigning on campus. These stages of preparation are presented in the form of questions that you should be asking yourself.
Peace Process
Guide to campaigning and combating anti-Israel propaganda on campus:
Speech Writing and Presentation Skills
"Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak and to speak
well are two different things"
Ben Johnson (1573-1637)
As we discussed in the last essay, there is today a battle going on between Palestinians and Israelis not just in the streets of the West Bank and Gaza but also for public opinion. The ability to persuade, or more bluntly, your ability to persuade , is crucial here.
Many people may argue that public speaking cannot be learnt. You are either good at it or not. This is, as I will prove, not totally true. Public speaking is a little like swimming. In the same way that there are Olympic swimmers there are also "natural speakers". In the same way everyone can be taught to swim, or even taught to swim well so public speaking can be taught or improved.
In the battle for public opinion your role in revealing some of the myths of Palestinian speakers is going to be crucial. My intention here is to work you through the stages of effective presentation skills:
Peace Process
Guide to campaigning and combating anti-Israel propaganda on campus:
8 Quick Answers to Outrageous Claims in Palestinian Propaganda
This year's Rosh Hashanah marked a turning point in Israeli Palestinian relations.
The peace process collapsed and a new Intifada, or uprising began. As the violence in the territories continues and the casualty toll rises, the need to explain (hasbara) Israel's position has increased.
In the media Israel is portrayed as an aggressor bombing protestors, killing children and an occupying force. More directly University campuses have been, sadly turned into battles for public opinion. Personally, as a person who has run workshops with Palestinians in The West Bank and Gaza, the saddest element of recent weeks has been that Palestinians have reverted to propaganda not dialogue. More damaging still the propaganda has been used by Palestinians to persuade the uninformed student. Israel's real battle is in the field of public opinion.
The purpose of this article is to prevent quick answers to outrageous claims of Palestinian propaganda. It is not meant to be exhaustive but rather a quick reference before a debate or an interview. We at Hagshama hope that the soon the days of constructive dialogue will return. As Rabin once said: The best war is the one avoided.
Media and the Press