Resources and Articles by Moshe Ben (Rambam) Maimon,

Moshe Ben (Rambam)
Moshe ben Maimon (1135-1204), otherwise known as Maimonides or, in Hebrew, as the Rambam, is one of the greatest sages of Jewish history. He was a rabbinic authority, legal codifier, philosopher, and physician. Maimonides authored many important works, including the Guide to the Perplexed, the most famous book of medieval Jewish philosophy. He also wrote what is known as the Mishneh Torah, in which he extracted from the Talmud the whole of Rabbinic law and condensed it into a clear, concise, code. The Laws of Torah Study come from the first book of that work, known as the Book of Knowledge ("Sefer Ha-mada").
Selections From Laws of Torah Study:
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Moshe ben Maimon (1135-1204), otherwise known as Maimonides or, in Hebrew, as the Rambam, is one of the greatest sages of Jewish history. He was a rabbinic authority, legal codifier, philosopher, and physician. Maimonides authored many important works, including the Guide to the Perplexed, the most famous book of medieval Jewish philosophy. He also wrote what is known as the Mishneh Torah, in which he extracted from the Talmud the whole of Rabbinic law and condensed it into a clear, concise, code. The Laws of Torah Study come from the first book of that work, known as the Book of Knowledge ("Sefer Ha-mada").
Jewish Texts
0600 - 1789: Middle Ages