Resources and Articles by Jeff Malka

Dr. Jeffrey S. Malka is a U.S. orthopaedic surgeon with both Sephardic and Ashkenazi ancestry. When he became interested in genealogy he quickly discovered the relative scarcity of information available at the time about the specific resources and archives needed for Sephardic genealogy. Over time he gathered extensive data on the subject and, wishing to share his knowledge with others as well as spur interest in the subject, he created a large award-winning internet website (top 10 Jewish Agency Award, Encyclopaedia Britannica 2 stars, etc.) devoted to Sephardic genealogy. In 2001, at JewishGen's invitation, he also developed JewishGen's SefardSig and KahalLinks (Sephardic version of ShtetlLink) websites to provide greater presence and visibility for Sephardic genealogy. Dr Malka is the author of the recent book: Sephardic Genealogy: Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and Their World. Avotaynu 2002 (Judaica Reference Book of the Year Award, 2002). The book deals with Sephardic history, country archives, research techniques and Sephardic languages and scripts. It also includes a guide to websites of interest and an extensive bibliography.
Moroccan Jews in the Amazon:
Indiana Jones meets Tangier Moshe
Living in Jewish communities deep in the Amazon jungle, in places with names like Cameta, Obidos, Itacoatiara, Manaos and Tefe in Brazil or Tarapoto, Yurimaguas, Pucallpa, and Iquitos in Peru, 20 year old Moshe Levy brushes the bugs away from his suntanned face and thinks of his family in Morocco as he drifts down the river. His boat is ladden with the supply of rubber he bartered for and accumulated from his jungle contacts. Further down river he will meet his old childhood pal Shlomo Menashe who used to sit in the bench next to him in school in Tetuan. As he had done repeatedly before, he will hand his rubber supplies to Shlomo and load up more pots and pans and other utensils to use for bartering up-river.
Jews Around the World
Cholent: Little bit O' this, Little bit O' that