Resources and Articles by Ismar Schorsch

Rabbi Ismar Schorsch is the chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York and an intellectual leader of Conservative Judaism. He is the author of Organized Jewish Reaction to German Anti-Semitism, 1870-1914 (1972) and From Text to Context: The Turn to History in Modern Judaism (1994).
The Zionist Imperative:
Making Israel a Light Unto the Nations: Conservative Zionism Reconsidered
It is a travesty for Conservative Jews to remain on the sidelines of the tremendous historical achievement that Israel represents. Conservative Judaism has a great deal to contribute to Israeli society by offering an alternative Judaism to that of the corrupt and domineering Orthodox establishment and by advocating for a Western democratic stance, which does not come naturally to Jews with Eastern European or Middle Eastern roots. Liberal American Jews should cease to support Israeli institutions espousing values that are in conflict with their own. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel should be dismantled, while other religious legislation should be preserved.
Zionism Revisited