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Resources and Articles by Daniel Swartz


Swartz, Daniel (Rabbi)

[email protected]

Rabbi Daniel Swartz currently serves as the Executive Director of the Children�s Environmental Health Network, a national organization devoted to protecting children from environmental health hazards through education, policy and research initiatives. He has published both peer-reviewed and popular science articles on issues ranging from plant ecology to global climate change. He has also published op-eds in national papers, as well studies of religious traditions and environmental values, including To Till and To Tend: A Guide for Jewish Environmental Study and Action, published by the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life.

Before becoming the director of CEHN, Swartz served as the Associate Director of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), coordinating policy among Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, and Jewish organizations. In addition to ordination and his MHL, Rabbi Swartz holds
degrees from Brown University in Geological Sciences and in Environmental Policy. He has received numerous academic honors, including prizes Scholarship and Scholastic Excellence from the Hebrew Union College, the Senior Prize in Environmental Studies from Brown, and election to both Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi. The most important thing in his life is his marriage to Roya Fahmy Swartz and their daughter, Alana.

Judaism and the Environment:  Jews, Jewish Texts, and Nature: A Brief History
Once upon a time -- but this is neither a fairy tale nor a bedtime story -- we knew less about the natural world than we do today. Much less. But we understood that world better, much better, for we lived ever so much closer to its rhythms. [Full article...]
Judaism > Judaism and the Environment