
El siguiente link los lleva a nuestra Manifestacion Virtual en Facebook en apoyo a la famiia de Guilad Shalit que continua en la carpa de protesta frente a la residencia del Primer Ministro, a la espera de noticias sobre el regreso de su hijo del cautiverio en manos del Hamas. El equipo del Departemanto de Actividades Sionistas visiitara la carpa el proximo Jueves 19 de Marzo para contarle a la familia Shalit. de la Manifestacion Virtual, llevando sus mensajes y numero de participantes.

Para participar de la Manifestacion virtual en Facebook, haga click aqui:

Manifestación Virtual por Guilad Shalit que cumple 1.000 días en cautiverio


Para mandar mensajes de solidaridad y apoyo, escribir a: [email protected]



Israel at 60Israel at 60: Fulfilling the Dream
Celebrating 60 Years of Israel's Challenges and Achievements

Further Details

Exhibition Guide:
English / Spanish / French / Hebrew

Assembly Guide / Exhibition Example

Zionist Federation Activities

Newsletter: Israel Media Highlights - Update 14 05 09

Annotated collection of links to 9 recent articles helpful to Israel Advocacy

Zionist Federations bring "The Case for Israel" to the Jewish public (London, UK)

Alan Dershowitz presents his film at an event organized by the UK Zionist Federation

Standing Ovation: Idan Raichel and a Star Event with the Zionist Federation in the UK to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut

Israel's 61st Independence Day, Zionist Federation UK - inspiring and memorable events, despite protesters and change of venue

Zionist Federation Activities

Israel at 60 celebrations around the world

Israel at the Movies

Your guide to exploring 8 Israeli films


The Persistence of Vision: Israel at 60

The Persistence of Vision is a blog sponsored by the World Zionist Organization that explores the vision and reality of the State of Israel, 60 years after its founding.