Resources and Articles by Hillel Halkin

HILLEL HALKIN, who lives in Israel, is a columnist for the Jerusalem Post and the New York Sun, a translator of Yiddish and Hebrew literature, and the author most recently of A Strange Death (Public Affairs). In addition he has published Beyond the Sabbath River: In Search of a Lost Tribe of Israel (Houghton Mifflin). His translation of Sholem Aleichem's The Letters of Menakhem-Mendl & Sheyne-Shenyndl and Motl, the Cantor's Son has been brought out by Yale as a volume in the New Yiddish Library.
Laughing is a serious matter:
Why Jews Laugh at Themselves
The Jewish joke has a serious - and surprising - pedigree, and bears an instructive relation to Jewish tradition.
Artistic Expressions
Jewish Texts
On Making Aliyah:
Letters to an American Jewish Friend
The same classical Zionist beliefs that justified modern Jewish settlement in Palestine, and that justified the establishment of a Jewish state, justify this country to this day.
Aliyah InfoBase
Who is a Zionist?
Zionism and the Diaspora
Yiddish vs. Hebrew:
The Great Jewish Language War
Hebrew won, Yiddish lost; but what was the battle about, and why are the combatants still fighting?
Jewish Languages