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Resources and articles on Jewish Languages

Voices From the Past: Ber Borochov:  Herbraismus Militans

In Israel and in the rest of the Jewish world, the passionate fight between Hebrew and Yiddish is sometimes easily forgotten. Today we look back nearly 100 years, to a time when the future dominance of Hebrew over Yiddish was not at all certain. Ber Borochov, early Zionist and co-founder of the Poale Zion Party (later to split into the Mapai Party and the Mapam Party), demonstrates the drama of the debate in an article published in 1913. [Full article...]
By: Dov Ber Borochov
Jewish History > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Jewish Languages
People > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Jewish Music:  Sephardic Song

It's medieval -or is it? It's Spanish -or is it? It's Jewish -well, yes, it certainly is. But what makes it Jewish? What is Sephardic music anyway? [Full article...]
By: Judith Cohen
Artistic Expressions > Music
Judaism > Jewish Languages

Putting it into Practice:  Learning Hebrew

I came on Aliyah from New York as a child with my parents in 1969. Besides having trouble with plural, possessives and gender agreement, my throat hurt from trying to emulate the rolling "r"s used by sabras. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Aliyah InfoBase > Aliyah Preparation
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Judaism > Jewish Languages

The Academy for the Hebrew Language:  Speaking Up With the Times

For a great introduction to the history of Hebrew and it's modern development, read on.... [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Judaism > Jewish Languages

A Personal Reflection:  Ulpan Akiva

Efrem Sigel reflects on his experience learning Hebrew at Ulpan Akiva under the shaddow of the intifada. [Full article...]
By: Efrem Sigel
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Israel Programs
Judaism > Jewish Languages

Yiddish vs. Hebrew:  The Great Jewish Language War

Hebrew won, Yiddish lost; but what was the battle about, and why are the combatants still fighting? [Full article...]
By: Hillel Halkin
Judaism > Jewish Languages

Events and Activities Ideas:  Yahrzeit for Eliezer Ben-Yehuda - December 21, 1922

The dream...the revival of the ancient language of Hebrew as a modern language for the New Jewish State. This was the dream of Eliezer Ben Yehuda and thus he dedicated himself to the rebirth of the nation of Israel in its own land, speaking its own language. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Judaism > Jewish Languages

Russian Roots:  Almost Rushin� To [Almost] Learn Russian

When Sue Tourkin-Komet went to study Russian at Beit Ha'am - Peoples University, she wondered what her grandparents would have thought, a century after they left Russia for the New World. [Full article...]
By: Sue Tourkin-Komet
Judaism > Jewish Languages

Hebrew today:  A Passing Phrase

Welcome to the Passing Phrase Page! [Full article...]
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Judaism > Jewish Languages

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