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Resources and articles on 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Trial for the Nation's Youth:  Trying Eichmann, not Jewish Disputes

The 1959-61 Ben-Gurion Government's archive opened to the public last year: "...Another subject that preoccupied the government was the trial of Adolf Eichmann, who was kidnapped to Israel from Argentina in May 1960. His trial began in April 1961, and he was hung in Ramle Prison on May 31, 1962, almost exactly two years after the kidnapping. We knew the Israeli government discussed the trial, but only now, when we can peruse the minutes, can we understand to what extent the government, a political body, was involved in an event that was basically a criminal trial." [Full article...]
By: Yehiam Weitz
Israel > Israeli Society
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Yom Hashoah
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

The Philosophy of Rabbi Kook:  Israel and the Nations - Part III

The last part in the series relating to "Israel and the Nations" deals with Rabbi Kook's philosophy regarding Israel's wars, issues of soverignity, political power, and the ideal state of Israel. [Full article...]
By: Zvi Yaron
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Religious Zionism

Justice for the Jewish People:  Address At the Eight Zionist Congress

We Zionists wear our Judaism as a badge of honor. This has become so much a matter of course with us that it fills us with amused astonishment when we behold others timidly concealing it as a stigma. In countries of mixed nationalities our colleagues have proclaimed their Jewish nationality, while demanding a regard for the needs of the Jewish people and a respect for their ethical individuality equal to that shown other peo�ples. To our youth Zionism gives pride in their history, faith in themselves, and the moral support of an ideal. [Full article...]
By: Max Nordau
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

The Philosophy of Rabbi Kook:  Israel and the Nations - Part II

"The Jewish nation, land and religion constitute a triad of eternal life and luster that sublimates and sanctifies all that exists. Israel harbors a unique holiness and religious idealism that elevates and ennobles the Divine soul latent in all the nations." In the second part of the series on Israel and the Nations, Zvi Yaron unravels the depths of Rabbi Kook's philosophy. [Full article...]
By: Zvi Yaron
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Religious Zionism

Address at the Seventh Zionist Congress:  Tribute to the Late Dr. Herzl

Herzl was a model and an educator. He straightened the back of a broken people. He gave them hope, he showed them means. He sowed far and wide. The seed will sprout, and his people will garner the harvest. (1905) [Full article...]
By: Max Nordau
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

How to improve the living conditions of the Jewish People:  Address at the Fifth Zionist Congress

I must say that the Jewish people, in its entirety, is incomparably the poorest of all the peoples in the world. I make this assertion unconditionally and unreservedly. There is no people in the world that possesses less than we, or even so little as we do. [Full article...]
By: Max Nordau
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

The Philosophy of Rabbi Kook:  Israel and the Nations - Part I

The moral-religious dimension of modern Zionism is displayed in Rabbi Kook's writings in a vivid and intriguing way: and this is just the first Part of the series on the issue. [Full article...]
By: Zvi Yaron
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Religious Zionism

So much said and so much yet to be said:  Historiographical Issues in Conveying Herzl�s Legacy

Within the history of Zionism itself every ideological and political stream had its own Herzl, always designed in its own image. [Full article...]
By: Gideon Shimoni
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism Revisited
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age


At the turn of the 20th Century, and in the wake of Romanian expulsion of its Jewish population, this is a visionary speech outlining the dangers lying ahead... [Full article...]
By: Max Nordau
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age


In this speech, Max Nordau analyses the formation stages of the Zionist idea. He urges all Jews, no matter what their religious or political positions are, to adhere to the Zionist movement in order to make an impact on the destiny of the Jewish Nation. [Full article...]
By: Max Nordau
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Zionism III:  The Philosophy of Rabbi Kook

The present work, whose Hebrew original (1974) has attained several editions, constitutes the first scientifically based elucidation of Rabbi Kook's widely scattered writings on the fundamentals of Judaism. Here we bring the third and last part in a three-part series relating to Zionism. [Full article...]
By: Zvi Yaron
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Religious Zionism


An interesting analysis of the achievements and failures and an insight into the conflicts within the Zionist movement during the early years of its existence. [Full article...]
By: Max Nordau
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Zionism - Part II:  The Philosophy of Rabbi Kook

The present work, whose Hebrew original (1974) has attained several editions, constitutes the first scientifically based elucidation of Rabbi Kook's widely scattered writings on the fundamentals of Judaism. Here we bring the second in a three-part series relating to Zionism. [Full article...]
By: Zvi Yaron
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Religious Zionism

Zionism - Part I:  The Philosophy of Rabbi Kook

The present work, whose Hebrew original (1974) has attained several editions, constitutes the first scientifically based elucidation of Rabbi Kook's widely scattered writings on the fundamentals of Judaism. Here we bring the first in a three-part series relating to Zionism. [Full article...]
By: Zvi Yaron
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Religious Zionism
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Authentic historical insight to Zionism:  ZIONISM

An overview of the first steps of Zionism as authored by Max Nordau. His insight, as reflected in his writing, is still relevant today regarding many issues concerning Zionism, Anti-Semitism and historical analysis of the early 20th Century. [Full article...]
By: Max Nordau
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

Our Challenge:  The Zionist Mission

This is the speech of Haim Hayet, Head of the World Zionist Organization Department for Hagshama, during his appearance at the Young Zionist Leadership Conference of January 2005, held in Miami, Florida. [Full article...]
By: Haim Hayet
Aliyah InfoBase > Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Teaching Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Media and the Press
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Voices from the Past: Richard Gottheil:  The Aims of Zionism

In a peroration of a speech given in New York City on November 1 1898, Dr. Richard Gottheil defines the ultimate aims of Zionism. Then a professor of Semitic Languages and Rabbinical Literature at Columbia University in New York City, as well as President and co-founder of the American Federation of Zionists, Dr. Gottheil demonstrates how the dangers of assimilation are reconcilable with the Zionist cause. [Full article...]
By: Richard Gottheil
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Voices From the Past: Ber Borochov:  Herbraismus Militans

In Israel and in the rest of the Jewish world, the passionate fight between Hebrew and Yiddish is sometimes easily forgotten. Today we look back nearly 100 years, to a time when the future dominance of Hebrew over Yiddish was not at all certain. Ber Borochov, early Zionist and co-founder of the Poale Zion Party (later to split into the Mapai Party and the Mapam Party), demonstrates the drama of the debate in an article published in 1913. [Full article...]
By: Dov Ber Borochov
Jewish History > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Jewish Languages
People > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Zionist Biography:  A Dove Among Hawks: Moshe Sharett -the Political Tragedy of an Israeli Leader

Moderation or escalation -these were the two basic alternatives in the entwined domains of foreign and defense policies confronting Israel's leadership immediately after the historic and bloody victory in the War of Independence in 1948-1949, and that have confronted government after government unceasingly to this very day. It was the choice of history that these two contradictory and fateful alternatives were first epitomized by David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett. These two outstanding leaders had stood together at the helm of the yishuv -the Jewish community of Palestine- starting in the early 1930s, leading up to the establishment of the State of Israel, and throughout the State's formative years until 1956. [Full article...]
By: Ya'akov Sharett
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Zionist Biography:  Aaron Aaronsohn: Agronomist, Spy, Zionist

Aaron Aaronsohn (1876-1919) was a member of the remarkable Aaronsohn family who were early chalutzim in Eretz Yisrael, and he became the leading agronomist in the country. His work was of great importance in the development of agriculture there, but if indeed he is remembered, it is not for this but for his role in espionage work in Palestine carried out for the British Army, his general supportive role to the British in their fight to wrest Palestine from Turkey, and for his subsequent pro-Zionist work. The successful British campaign against Turkey was helped materially by his unparalleled knowledge of Palestine. [Full article...]
By: Cecil Bloom
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

From Spain to Zion:  The Contribution of the Sepharadim to Zionism

There is a common misconception that Zionism is purely Ashkenazi. To learn about the Sepharadic roots of Zionism, read on�. [Full article...]
By: Solomon Gaon
Jewish History > 0600 - 1789: Middle Ages
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jews Around the World
People > 0600 - 1789: Middle Ages
People > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

:  On Socialist Zionism

Socialist Zionism rose out of a criticism of both existing Zionism and Jewish Socialism in the Early Zionist era. [Full article...]
By: Berl Katzanelson
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

Jewish Socialism:  Labor Zionism and Jewish Tradition

One can move from Katznelson to Liesen, to Gordon, to Syrkin and to Ben Gurion, and easily perceive how much Judaism, how much Jewish religious feeling prevails in the world of these so-called non-religious theoreticians of Jewish socialism or Labor Zionism. [Full article...]
By: Ezra Spicehandler
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Zionists:  Herzl's Radical Vision changed World History

On February 14, 1896, The Jewish State by Theodore Herzl first appeared in print. Rachel Elboim-Dror reflects upon the importance of the anniversary. [Full article...]
By: Rachel Elboim-Dror
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

A Study in Jewish Nationalism Part 6:  Rome and Jerusalem

"Rome and Jerusalem" is not only a proud reaffirmation of the Zionist idea; it is imbued with a social pathos rooted in the belief of the Prophets in a better world and universal peace. Included in this document are parts 3-6 of the epilogue. [Full article...]
By: Moses Hess
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

A Study in Jewish Nationalism Part 5:  Rome and Jerusalem

"Rome and Jerusalem" is not only a proud reaffirmation of the Zionist idea; it is imbued with a social pathos rooted in the belief of the Prophets in a better world and universal peace. Included in this document is parts 1-2 of the epilogue. [Full article...]
By: Moses Hess
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

A Study in Jewish Nationalism Part 4:  Rome and Jerusalem

"Rome and Jerusalem" is not only a proud reaffirmation of the Zionist idea; it is imbued with a social pathos rooted in the belief of the Prophets in a better world and universal peace. Letters 11-12 are included in this document. [Full article...]
By: Moses Hess
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

A Study in Jewish Nationalism Part 3:  Rome and Jerusalem

"Rome and Jerusalem" is not only a proud reaffirmation of the Zionist idea; it is imbued with a social pathos rooted in the belief of the Prophets in a better world and universal peace. Letters 8-10 are included in this document. [Full article...]
By: Moses Hess
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

A Study in Jewish Nationalism Part 2:  Rome and Jerusalem

"Rome and Jerusalem" is not only a proud reaffirmation of the Zionist idea; it is imbued with a social pathos rooted in the belief of the Prophets in a better world and universal peace. Letters 6-7 are included in this document. [Full article...]
By: Moses Hess
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

A Study in Jewish Nationalism Part 1:  Rome and Jerusalem

"Rome and Jerusalem" is not only a proud reaffirmation of the Zionist idea; it is imbued with a social pathos rooted in the belief of the Prophets in a better world and universal peace. You will find letters 1-5 in this document. [Full article...]
By: Moses Hess
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

Zionists:  Moses Hess

The purpose of Dr. Heller's pamphlet is to draw attention to the personality of Moses Hess, who played a remarkable role in the development of the Jewish national ideology. [Full article...]
By: Joseph Heller
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

Brandeis on Zionism:  A Collection of Addresses and Statements by Louis D. Brandeis

This article contains the speeches entitled Efficiency in Public Service, The Pilgrims had Faith, The Human Resource, Realization Will Not Come as a Gift, The Only Promising Road, Palestine Has Developed Jewish Character, Jews and Arabs, A Zionist's Vow, and Jews Will Continue to Enter Palestine. [Full article...]
By: Louis Brandeis
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Brandeis on Zionism:  A Collection of Addresses and Statements by Louis D. Brandeis

Included in this document are the speeches entitled The Common Cause of the Jewish People, Zionism Brings Understanding and Happiness, Members, Money, Discipline, and The Time is Urgent. [Full article...]
By: Louis Brandeis
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Brandeis on Zionism:  A Collection of Addresses and Statements by Louis D. Brandeis

Included in this document are the speeches entitled A Call to the Educated Jew, Group Liberty, and Dreams May be Made into Realities. [Full article...]
By: Louis Brandeis
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Brandeis on Zionism:  A Collection of Addresses and Statements by Louis D. Brandeis

Included in this document are the speeches entitled Sympathy for the Zionist Involvement, A Great Vision, To Be a Jew, The Jewish People Should be Preserved, Strain Every Nerve, and The Fruits of Zionism. [Full article...]
By: Louis Brandeis
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

American Zionism:  The Faith of Louis D. Brandeis, Zionist.

Horance Kallen explores the tremendous contribution Brandeis. "The People's Lawyer" made to American life and Zionism. [Full article...]
By: Horace Kallen
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Brandeis on Zionism:  A Collection of Addresses and Statements by Louis D. Brandeis

Included in this document are the speeches entitled True Americanism, and The Jewish Problem and How to Solve it. [Full article...]
By: Louis Brandeis
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

American Zionism:  Brandeis' Way to Zionism

Louis D. Brandeis, an object of controversy and vituperative attack in his time, he became a secular saint in his later years, and now stands suffused in an aura of liberal piety and general regard. [Full article...]
By: Ben Halpern
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Louis D. Brandeis 1856-1941:  Patriot, Judge, and Zionist

Louis D. Brandeis played an integral role in promoting Zionism in the United States during the early part of the 1900's. Read on to learn more... [Full article...]
By: Josef Fraenkel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Quotes:  Herzl Speaks His Mind on Issues, Events and Men.

In the quotes that follow, Herzl speaks on the topics of Zionism, the Homeland, the Uganda Offer, The Jewish State, Language in the State, the Envisioned Altneuland, and the Vatican. [Full article...]
By: Theodor Herzl
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Quotes:  Herzl Speaks His Mind on Issues, Events and Men

In the quotes that follow, Herzl speaks on the topics of the reaction to publication of The Jewish State, Organizing the Zionist Movement, and the Zionist Congress. [Full article...]
By: Theodor Herzl
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Quotes:  Herzl Speaks His Mind on Issues, Events and Men.

In the quotes that follow, Herzl speaks on the topics of Jewish immigration, the Galut, philanthropy, himself, other men, religion and rabbis. [Full article...]
By: Theodor Herzl
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Quotes:  Herzl Speaks His Mind on Issues, Events and Men.

In the quotes that follow, Herzl's addresses the topics of the Jewish People, Jewish Society, The Jewish Question, and Anti-Semitism. [Full article...]
By: Theodor Herzl
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Women Zionists:  Hadassah in Palestine

Address delivered at the dedication exercises, April 30, 1929. [Full article...]
By: Henrietta Szold
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Women
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Pinsker and his Brochure:  An Open Letter to My Brethren in the Spirit

[Full article...]
By: Asher (Ahad Ha'am) Ginzberg Leon Pinsker
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

Zionism:  The Cry of the Children in Palestine

To the Executive of the Vaad Leumi, Jerusalem, by Henrietta Szold, on September 13th, 1936. [Full article...]
By: Henrietta Szold
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Women

An Address:  Henrietta Szold to the Women of Hadassah

This address was presented at the 14th Annual Convention in Pittsburgh on June 27th, 1928. [Full article...]
By: Henrietta Szold
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Women
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Ideology:  The Message of Labour Zionism

Labor Zionism represents a particular vision of Jewish destiny- a free nation, building a just society and safeguarding it. Jewish national freedom and social justice are the poles of our doctrine, our point of departure, our destination. The relationship and union between these two values, at times the tensions or contradictions, and, in the final resort, the balance between them, mark the ideological and political course of Labor Zionism in a period of revolutionary change. [Full article...]
By: Abba Eban
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Emancipation:  Zionism as a Movement of National Liberation

Emancipation and the unprecedented integration into larger society presented opportunities but also many challenges Jews had never faced before and were not prepared to face. [Full article...]
By: Shlomo Avineri
Jewish History > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Youth in Israel:  The Imperatives of the Jewish Revolution

In an inspiring speech to the pre-state pioneering youth, Ben Gurion lays out his perception of the Jewish past and vision for the future of the Jewish people in a Jewish land. [Full article...]
By: David Ben Gurion
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations

Jews in the Modern World:  Jewish Nationalism and Emancipation (1897-1899)

If the cause of anti-Semitism is the existence of the Jews as a nationality, its effect is to make this nationality more tangible for the Jews, to make them more aware of the fact that they are a people. [Full article...]
By: Bernard Lazare
Artistic Expressions
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

The Jews of Russia:  It Had Its History

Continuing his series on Jewish communities around the world, Mann introduces us to the Jews of Russia with a long, illustrious, and varied history. [Full article...]
By: Stanley Mann
Jewish History > 0600 - 1789: Middle Ages
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jews Around the World

Balfour Street:  Arthur James, First Earl of Balfour (1848-1930)

In honor of the Balfour Declaration, signed on the 2nd of November, 1917, this article focuses on The Earl of Balfour, whose pivotal contribution helped pave the way for statehood. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

:  The City of Slaughter

This poem, written by Haim Nahman Bialik, was in tribute to the vicitims of the Kishinev pogrom. [Full article...]
By: Haim Nahman Bialik
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

In memory of Haim Sturman, Aharon Etkin & Dr. David Mosensohn :  Gan Hashlosha (Sahne)

Street signs in Israel bear names of individuals, past and present, who have contributed significantly to the nation�s development. Using street signs as direction, this series will briefly introduce the leading personalities in Israeli history. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Museums and Memorials
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

The Crisis of Emancipation and the Rise of Zionism:  Mugged by Modernity

What was the impetus for the Zionist movement and why did it develop the way it did? Troy gives us a clue. [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

History in the Making:  Theodor Herzl's Opening Address to the First Zionist Congress

Read about Herzl's vision of a Jewish state. [Full article...]
By: Theodor Herzl
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts

In Historical Context:  Zionism and the Upheavals of the 20th Centery

Discussion of historical phenomena always involves the element of time. Thus, with regard to Zionism, one may ask: Why did it emerge when it did, rather than sooner or later? For an answer to this question, attention needs to be given to the broader historical framework within which Zionism arose. [Full article...]
By: Anita Shapira
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Full of Twists and Bumps:  Herzl's Road to Zionism

Avineri gives us an inside look at how Herzl came to Zionism. [Full article...]
By: Shlomo Avineri
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Jewish National Fund Founded - December 29, 1901

In 1901, the fifth Zionist Congress met in Basel, Switzerland to further explore the Jewish issue. On the fifth day of the Congress, there was heavy debate about the establishment of a national fund to purchase land in Palestine. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Underground Figher:  The Baker's Daughter

Youth from all backgrounds enlisted in the Lehi, the pre-State underground movement. This article describes a teenaged girl from a Hassidic background. Today, a guide in the Lehi Museum in Tel Aviv, she recalls the sense of mission doubled with the painful split in the Jewish Yishuv. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

A Little Known Chapter in the History of Modern Zionism:  The Battle of Beer Sheba

The crucial Battle of Beer Sheba in October 1917, the intelligence officer responsible for its success, and the memory of three Jews all come together in a fast-paced historical fiction. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Israel > Places of Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Kibbutz Deganya Founded - September 26, 1910

It is hard to believe that is has been 90 years since the establishment of the first Kibbutz, Kibbutz Deganya. During its 90th anniversary celebration, we were reminded that Deganya was the "First Home in the Homeland". [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Tel Chai :  The Lion's Dame

When my sons planned their big event of the summer, kayaking on the Jordan River in the Hula Valley (a former swamp in northern Israel), they didn't realize that I was planning a rendezvous with a piece of my own history, which links up with a major symbol from the history of pre-State Israel. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Israel > Places of Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Museums and Memorials

Events and Activities Ideas:  Meeting of the First Zionist Congress - August 29, 1897

During the summer of 1898 in Basel, Switzerland, Theodor Herzl called together the leading 200 Jewish and Zionist thinkers of the time to participate in the first Zionist Congress. The Congress was convened with the primary goal of "demonstrating to the world what Zionism is and what it wants." In addition, the Congress was created to organize all the Zionist ideologies under one movement, a political movement. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Exodus Ship Incident - August 2, 1947

After World War II, as tensions mounted in Palestine between the Jewish settlers and Arabs, the British Government attempted to appease the Arab citizens by limiting the immigration of Jews to Palestine. British authorities would detain ships and send them back to their ports of origin within Europe in an attempt to stop the illegal immigration. Since remaining in Europe meant certain death for many of these immigrants, illegal immigration to Palestine increased. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Magen David Adom Founded - June 1, 1930

The Magen David Adom is the second line of defense in Israel, providing all the emergency medical services in times of war and peace. In 1930, seven Israeli doctors formed a small one room emergency service in Tel Aviv. This service would take the name, Magen David Adom (MDA) for �Red Star of David�. A second operation would open in Haifa in 1931, followed by another in Jerusalem in 1934. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Hebrew University Founded - April 14, 1925

Hey want a six-pack? What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel�s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  First Maccabia Games in Tel Aviv - March 28, 1932

Known as the Olympics of the Jews, every four years Jewish athletes from all over the world gather to compete in a wide array of athletic events. The goal of the Maccabia games is to "promote the physical strength of the Jewish people while fostering a sense of nationalism among Jewish athletes." [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Dreyfus Affair - January 5th 1895

There is no question that the Dreyfus Affair was a major turning point in how Jews saw themselves within their host nations in the late 1800�s. This was truly a scandal that included the highest echelons of government and the church. This event underlines the strong anti-Semitic attitudes and feelings of the time and can be thought of as a catalyst for the Zionist movement. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Jews in Italy:  La Spezia Affair, Italy 1946

The latest contribution by Suzanne Kokkonen reflects on relations between the British occupiers, the Jewish refugees and the Italian authorities immediately after the Second World War. [Full article...]
By: Suzanna Kokkonen
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jews Around the World

Herzl's Nationhood and Judaism :  The Flight From Negation

Andrei Shapiro critiques the address given by Herzl entitled 'Judaism', and claims that even though the great Zionist leader succeeded in creating a different reality for the Jewish people, he had no clear idea of the positive side of Jewishness. [Full article...]
By: Andrei Shapiro
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Issue Analysis:  Israel: The People & The Land

The relationship of the Jewish people to the tiny Mediterranean coastal strip known as the Land of Israel is something of a problem; the more theologically minded would even call it a mystery. [Full article...]
By: R.J. Zwi Werblovsky
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Love of Zion - the struggle to establish a Jewish state with Jewish values:  Jewish State and Jewish Problem

Yet, after all, I confess that Western "Zionism" is very good and useful for those Western Jews who have long since almost forgotten Judaism, and have no link with their people except a vague sentiment which they themselves do not understand. I The establishment of a Jewish State by their agency is at present but a distant vision; but the idea of a State induces them meanwhile to devote their energies to the service of their people, lifts them out of the mire of assimilation, and strengthens their Jewish national consciousness. [Full article...]
By: Asher (Ahad Ha'am) Ginzberg
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Love of Zion - the struggle to establish a Jewish state with Jewish values:  Jewish State and Jewish Problem - part 2

Yet, after all, I confess that Western "Zionism" is very good and useful for those Western Jews who have long since almost forgotten Judaism, and have no link with their people except a vague sentiment which they themselves do not understand. I The establishment of a Jewish State by their agency is at present but a distant vision; but the idea of a State induces them meanwhile to devote their energies to the service of their people, lifts them out of the mire of assimilation, and strengthens their Jewish national consciousness. [Full article...]
By: Asher (Ahad Ha'am) Ginzberg
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

What role can our will, our consciousness, play in the historical processes of Jewish life?:  Our Platform IV-VI

"Our Platform" was written by Ber Borochov in 1906 for the Russian Poale Zion Party which adopted it at it's first convention that December. It was the culmination of a three week discussion in the party's drafting committee and applies the theories Borochov developed in "The National Question and the Class Struggle" to the situation of the Jews. This English translation is by Ben Yitzhaki and was done for the book NATIONALISM AND THE CLASS STRUGGLE published by Young Poale Zion in New York in 1937.) [Full article...]
By: Dov Ber Borochov
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

What role can our will, our consciousness, play in the historical processes of Jewish life?:  Our Platform I-III

"Our Platform" was written by Ber Borochov in 1906 for the Russian Poale Zion Party which adopted it at it's first convention that December. It was the culmination of a three week discussion in the party's drafting committee and applies the theories Borochov developed in "The National Question and the Class Struggle" to the situation of the Jews. This English translation is by Ben Yitzhaki and was done for the book NATIONALISM AND THE CLASS STRUGGLE published by Young Poale Zion in New York in 1937.) [Full article...]
By: Dov Ber Borochov
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

We must not wait:  On Questions of Zionist Theory

The Jewish people has suffered so much that greater affliction is inconceivable. Regarded objectively, our situation today, compared with the suffering experienced by our forefathers, can almost be envied, and there is every reason to believe that as time goes by our troubles will diminish. This gives support to the optimists among us, who take a hopeful view of the future in their opposition to Zionist action that aims to bring about a radical change in our situation and to put an end to the Galut episode with all its achievements. These optimists, since they value these achievements, try to prove to us that there is no need to be alarmed by the slowness of progress, on which they pin rosy hopes. [Full article...]
By: Dov Ber Borochov
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Zionistic thoughts:  Anticipations and Survivals - Part 3

Students of jurisprudence know (and who knows so well as the Jew?) that the laws and statutes of every nation are not all observed and obeyed at all times in the same degree; that in all countries and in all ages there are certain laws, be they new or old, which are perfectly valid according to the statue book, and are yet disregarded by those who administer justice, and are wholly or largely ineffective in practice. [Full article...]
By: Asher (Ahad Ha'am) Ginzberg
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Zionistic thoughts:  Anticipations and Survivals - Part 1

Students of jurisprudence know (and who knows so well as the Jew?) that the laws and statutes of every nation are not all observed and obeyed at all times in the same degree; that in all countries and in all ages there are certain laws, be they new or old, which are perfectly valid according to the statue book, and are yet disregarded by those who administer justice, and are wholly or largely ineffective in practice. [Full article...]
By: Asher (Ahad Ha'am) Ginzberg
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Zionistic thoughts:  Anticipations and Survivals - Part 2

Students of jurisprudence know (and who knows so well as the Jew?) that the laws and statutes of every nation are not all observed and obeyed at all times in the same degree; that in all countries and in all ages there are certain laws, be they new or old, which are perfectly valid according to the statue book, and are yet disregarded by those who administer justice, and are wholly or largely ineffective in practice. [Full article...]
By: Asher (Ahad Ha'am) Ginzberg
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Zionistic text:  The Wrong Way

For many centuries the Jewish people, sunk in poverty and degradation, has been sustained by faith and hope in the divine mercy. The present generation has seen the birth of a new and far-reaching idea, which promises to bring down our faith and hope from heaven, and transform both into living and active forces, making our land the goal of hope, and our people the anchor of faith. [Full article...]
By: Asher (Ahad Ha'am) Ginzberg
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

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