Resources and Articles by Haim Hayet

[email protected]
Haim Hayet is the Head of the Hagshama Department of the World Zionist Organization
- Born in Havana, Cuba in 1939
- Married to Nora and father of four sons
- Made Aliya in 1960 and joined Kibbutz Ga�aton
- Has lived in Jerusalem since 1975
Studied at the Israel Center Autonomous School in Cuba
1956: Completed the Machon Lemadrichei Chutz La�aretz in Jerusalem
1959: Graduated in Humanities from the Undergraduate Educational College of La Havana
1966-1970: Further studies in various subjects at the Kibbutz College of Education (Oranim). During the 1960�s took several courses in Givat Haviva, the Kibbutz Artzi seminary.
1971: Graduated from the WZO Institute for Shlichim in Jerusalem
1980 - 1984: Courses at Bank Hapoalim�s Professional Training Center banking, investment consultation, pensions funds and marketing.
1984: Studied Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1985: Graduated from the Jewish Agency�s Leadership Institute for representatives of the Israel Bonds Organization.
Professional Experience
Since 1.1.98 : Member of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization and Head of the Hagshama Department
1995 � 1998: Administrative Director of the Felsenstein medical Research Center of the Tel-Aviv University in Cooperation with Kupat Clalit
1989 � 1995: Chair (national coordinator) of the Organization Department of Mapam
From 1980: Worked in Bank Hapoalim in Jerusalem and took unpaid leave enabling him to work in public institutions in Israel and abroad.
1985 - 1988: Director of the Israel Bonds office in Panama, Central America and the Caribbeans
1975 � 1979: Representative of the United Israel Appeal and the Jewish Agency in the above countries
1971 � 1973: Representative of the Jewish Agency�s Youth and Hechalutz Department and Head of Shlichim in Chile.
1960 � 1975: Member of kibbutz Ga�aton. Worked in agriculture, the services and education, including centralizing the poultry branch and teaching and counseling in a Youth Aliya group
1957 � 1960: Taught in the Jewish School in Havana, Cuba
Military Service
Served in NAHAL and was loaned to a leadership and officer position in
Positions held in Public Life
Since January 1998 � Member of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization and Head of the Hagshama Department.
Delegate to the founding Convention of Meretz and currently member of the National Meretz Council and its Executive.
Member of the Central Committee and the Secretariat of Mapam.
Currently member of the Secretariat of the World Union of Mapam
Member of Mapam�s Oranization, Finance, Political and International Relations Committees and of the Meretz �General Secretaries� Forum�
Coordinator of the National Meretz Election Day Headquarters, 1992
Member of the Executive Committee of the Histadrut
Member of the Central Elections Committee of the Histadrut
Member of the Secretariat of the Jerusalem�s Workers� Council (Moetzet Hapoalim) and head of its Membership and Organization Committee
Chairman of the Mapam Party in Jerusalem
Mapam delegate to the World Zionist Congress
Our Challenge:
The Zionist Mission
This is the speech of Haim Hayet, Head of the World Zionist Organization Department for Hagshama, during his appearance at the Young Zionist Leadership Conference of January 2005, held in Miami, Florida.
Aliyah InfoBase
Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Teaching Israel
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Jewish Identity
Media and the Press
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Who is a Zionist?
Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism Revisited
Looking Back:
Four Extraordinary Years of Hagshama Activity
As we approach the 34th Zionist Congress, Hagshama Department head Haim Hayet reviews four rewarding years of departmental activity with journalist Marcelo Kisilevsky.
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Hagshama - Article III:
The Relevance of Zionism Today
The World Zionist Congress opens on the seventeenth of June, 2002� and there is no way of predicting what the situation will be in either the Middle East or in the World. What is clear, is that if the Congress does not involve serious ideological debate on relevant Zionism, those who claim the World Zionist Organisation and our National Zionist Institutions are obselete will gain the upper hand by default. There is a vital need to re-examine our expressions of Zionism and ensure that our ongoing Zionist goals, actions and ideals are meeting the demands and challenges of the 21st Century. A vital need to rejuvenate and revitalize the Zionist Movement.
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Zionism Revisited
Hagshama and the New Millenium - Article II:
Youth Is Not a Question of Age
In this edition, the Head of the Hagshama Department of the World Zionist Organization, outlines the action plan which is being implemented together with university-age Jewish youth throughout the globe. For Hayet, being biologically young will not make the grade... one must be young in thought and deed as well. The youth representation proposed in keeping with affirmative action at the next Zionist Congress is far from assured, and we are going to have to fight for it. Let’s take a look at what the next three-quarters of 2001 have to offer here at Hagshama...
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Conversing with Haim Hayet, Director of the Hagshama Department, regarding the last Vaad Hapoel - Article I:
Towards a Young Zionist Revolution
The last Vaad Hapoel, for those not directly involved in the theme, may have appeared highly irrelevant. But the fact of the matter is, that a number of resolutions taken may spread the hope, however faint, that the Zionist movement need not die of hunger or old age. This is particularly true regarding the motion passed which stated that 25% of all delegates to the next Zionist Congress be under the age of 30!
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations