Resources and articles on Jewish Identity

Notes Towards Recasting Israel Education:  From Herzl to Herzliya

"We, the Jewish People, are heirs to a tradition of intellectual vitality, cultural fidelity and social activity. And we are poised on the threshold of a new era." In this article, Jonathan Ariel invites us to an enthralling and challenging global Jewish conversation. [Full article...]
By: Jonathan Ariel
Israel > Teaching Israel
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Acceptance at any price?:  Europe's "Good Jews"

On the continent, the morally correct way to show concern for the Jewish state is to defame it. [Full article...]
By: Emanuele Ottolenghi
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Media and the Press
Peace Process
Zionism > Post-Zionism
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Our Challenge:  The Zionist Mission

This is the speech of Haim Hayet, Head of the World Zionist Organization Department for Hagshama, during his appearance at the Young Zionist Leadership Conference of January 2005, held in Miami, Florida. [Full article...]
By: Haim Hayet
Aliyah InfoBase > Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Teaching Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Media and the Press
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Voices From the Past: Ber Borochov:  Herbraismus Militans

In Israel and in the rest of the Jewish world, the passionate fight between Hebrew and Yiddish is sometimes easily forgotten. Today we look back nearly 100 years, to a time when the future dominance of Hebrew over Yiddish was not at all certain. Ber Borochov, early Zionist and co-founder of the Poale Zion Party (later to split into the Mapai Party and the Mapam Party), demonstrates the drama of the debate in an article published in 1913. [Full article...]
By: Dov Ber Borochov
Jewish History > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Jewish Languages
People > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

A discussion:  Israel: state and religion - Part II

Israel: state and religion A discussion One of the most poignant difficulties of our time is the struggle between brothers � between religious and secular Jews � in Israel today. The issue has several dimensions. There is first of all an acknowledgment that until very recently and basically extending into the present, a status quo has existed between the secular state and Judaism, which has protected Judaism, reciprocated by an halachic modus operandi with the state. The conflict arises through a departure from the spirit of the accommodation which existed hitherto into a new rhetoric of the �separation of religion and state�. Notions of �freedom of, or from, religion��, emerge to conflict with traditional concept of the spiritual integrity of the Jewish people through the public protection of its laws and practices. The reason why this conflict supervenes over the understanding and accommodation which has existed between the secular State and religion, derives, it is argued, from an estrangement, on both sides of the conflict, from fundamental Jewish values. The discussion was held between Mr Mark Moshinsky and Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen in a seminar of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Mark  Moshinsky
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Jewish Identity

A discussion:  Israel: state and religion - Part I

Israel: state and religion A discussion One of the most poignant difficulties of our time is the struggle between brothers � between religious and secular Jews � in Israel today. The issue has several dimensions. There is first of all an acknowledgment that until very recently and basically extending into the present, a status quo has existed between the secular state and Judaism, which has protected Judaism, reciprocated by an halachic modus operandi with the state. The conflict arises through a departure from the spirit of the accommodation which existed hitherto into a new rhetoric of the �separation of religion and state�. Notions of �freedom of, or from, religion��, emerge to conflict with traditional concept of the spiritual integrity of the Jewish people through the public protection of its laws and practices. The reason why this conflict supervenes over the understanding and accommodation which has existed between the secular State and religion, derives, it is argued, from an estrangement, on both sides of the conflict, from fundamental Jewish values. The discussion was held between Mr Mark Moshinsky and Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen in a seminar of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Mark  Moshinsky
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Herzl and Me:  A Visit to Altneuland and its Relevance to the Teaching of Israel Today

In the face of all that is wrong with Israel today, it is important for us to remind ourselves of what it is that the Zionist movement set out to do, and, as teachers of Israel, to go "back to the basics" in conveying Israel's story to our students. Altneuland provides us the opportunity to do that. [Full article...]
By: David Breakstone
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Education in a Youth Movement Setting:  Indoctrination Vs. Education

Indoctrination versus education is one of those dilemmas that is often neglected as a debate in the Youth Movements. As an introduction to the issue, Anton Marks attempts to shed some light on the responsibility of madrichim and the importance of placing the matter firmly on their agenda. [Full article...]
By: Anton Marks
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations

Analysis of an Orthodox Myth :  Did Reform Judaism Lead to Assimilation?

It is commonly accepted that liberal streams of Judaism lead to assimilation. Fredricko debunks this myth and puts the blame squarely on Orthodoxy. [Full article...]
By: Sharonah Fredericko
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Streams of Judaism

Homosexuality, King David, and Israeli Pop:  A Dilemma Judaism Prefers to Ignore

Was King David gay? This article explores homosexuality in Judaism and modern-day Israel. [Full article...]
By: Sharonah Fredericko
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Multiculturalism:  Why I Need to be a Zionist

Troy prescribes Zionism as a cure for the ills of modern Jewish life in North America. [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Not Essential to Jewish Nationalism but Essential to Judaism:  Zionism

Can you be a committed Zionist and live in North America? In what ways can Zionism enrich Jewish life in the Diaspora? Read on... [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

The Case of Sweden:  'Jewishness' in Postmodernity

This report provides a window into the changing face of European Jewry using Sweden as a case study. [Full article...]
By: Lars Dencik
Jews Around the World
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Coming Home:  Meaning of Homeland for the Jewish People

More and more ethnic minorities are becoming increasingly involved in their roots and their traditions. Jewish liturgy and politics has always been based around the triangle of the Land of Israel, the People of Israel and the Book of Israel. [Full article...]
By: Amos Oz
Judaism > Jewish Identity

A New Relationship with Israel:  'Soprano' Zionism

My grandmother used to sigh, "Shver tsu zayn a yid" � it's tough to be a Jew. These days, though, it's even tougher to be a Zionist. It is an act of triple-chutzpah. [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Judaism under Threat:  Zionism and Myths of Assimilation

The Zionist movement from its inception regarded assimilation as one of its central enemies, as a mor�ally degrading position for any self-respecting Jew to adopt. [Full article...]
By: Robert S. Wistrich
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

What does that mean anyway?!:  Jewish Identity

Anton Marks shares with us some ways in which his Jewish identity has developed and changed- particularly since moving to Israel. [Full article...]
By: Anton Marks
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Still a Grand Old Word:  Zionism

The word 'Zionism' often brings up negative connotations. In this article, Gil Troy advocates taking back the word 'Zionism' and re-claiming it as a positive concept which continues to speak to us today. [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Remembering and Remembrance :  The Future of the Holocaust

As Holocaust survivors are dying out, the question of how to understand and imagine an event which is beyond understanding and beyond imagining becomes a more relevant issue. Andrei Shapiro explains. [Full article...]
By: Andrei Shapiro
Judaism > Jewish Identity

At a Carlebach Concert?!:  An Inter-Faith Date

It was bound to happen, sooner or later, that I'd "spill out" some of my kishkes (intestines) about How, Why, When, and Where I first went to a Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach concert. [Full article...]
By: Sue Tourkin-Komet
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Life Cycle

Zionism in Youth Movements:  Where have all the Zionists gone?

I want to take you on a journey, looking back into our past to where the concept of Zionism in youth groups arose. [Full article...]
By: Ilana Ordman
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Israel and the Diaspora:  Connection in Crisis

In the first of a two-parter, Matt Plen looks at the strained relationship between the Diaspora and Israel, and wonders what led to this situation. Referring to diverse sources ranging from the Talmud, Ahad Ha'am and the New Statesman, he suggests that we should relate to one another in a different way. [Full article...]
By: Matt Plen
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Sharonah's history classes:  Middle East-Nationalism with a Human Face: The Impossible Dream?

The constant waves of terrorism and reprisals which Israel is at present enduring, lead us to ponder the nature of nationalism itself. For Sharonah, nationalism has always been a perverse version of Midas and the golden touch- touching collective identity, it turns it to dust. We are not talking about getting rid of national identity. The question is how can we humanize it. [Full article...]
By: Marcelo Kisilevski Sharonah Fredericko
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Peace Process > Terrorism

Jewish Thought ����:  The Creed of a Secular Jew

s it possible to be a proudly committed Jew and not believe in God? According to Uruguayan Jewish journalist Egon Friedler it definitely is. Self-definition of one�s own Judaism and creative awareness of Jewish culture are the key. Special attention is paid to the issue of anti-democratic elements in Jewish society who would destroy the pluralism necessary for over-all Jewish survival. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Streams of Judaism

Identity at Work:  Exodus, Kibbutz and The Gym: Important Jewish Experiences

In this article, our columnist Joppy looks at the multifaceted levels of identity as such, and then transposes these levels to the particular quandary of the 21st century Jew. Her field of reference ranges from Martin Buber to the local aerobics center, and provides fresh and revealing insights into a hotly disputed problem. [Full article...]
By: Judith Williams
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Diaspora Culture Vs. Israeli Pre-eminence:  Raising Jews on South Park & Seinfeld

North American Jewry makes up over 43% of world Jewry (with Israeli Jewry the second largest at 36%). In fact between Tel Aviv and New York we have a third of the total world Jewish population. If we are going to try and understand Diaspora Jews we should probably look to America. It is, after all, the most dominant Jewish culture outside of Israel. [Full article...]
By: Judith Williams
Jews Around the World
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Poland and Israel one half century after the Holocaust:  Poland - An educational and inspirational experience?

Many people have criticized the constant flux of Zionist oriented students between Poland and Israel as a failed attempt to instill Jewish identity in today�s disaffected youth via the "scare tactics" of the Holocaust. This article presents an objective educational vision of the entire process as an important component in the creation of an activist oriented, pro-Zionist outlook. [Full article...]
By: Daniel Rose
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Jewish Continuity :  Introduction: The Identity Crisis

Laurence Weinbaum In 1958, the inaugural issue of World Jewry, a publication of the British section of the World Jewish Congress, carried an article entitled "Discovering Jewishness for the Sabra". That story drew attention to "the crisis of Israel's youth" and to the launching of a Jewish consciousness programme" to heighten Jewish identity among Israeli youngsters and to enhance their inadequate knowledge of Jewish subjects. [Full article...]
By: Avi Beker Laurence Weinbaum
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Post-modern Judaism and personal choice:  Learning From Rosanne and Madonna: Postmodernism and Being Jewish

The fact that certain non-Jewish celebrities may have found greater value in Jewish tradition than fellow Jews is symptomatic of the malaise afflicting our global society, as the individual, overwhelmed by choice, makes none. In this article, Joppy takes issue with the blurring of particularist identities and suggests that the surest road to integration lies in first knowing ourselves, and recognizing our own parameters. [Full article...]
By: Judith Williams
Judaism > Jewish Identity

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