Resources and articles on Anti-Semitism

Conditional Justice for the Jewish State?:  Israel's Existence is Not a Question

What justifies the existence of the Jewish State? Should there be conditions? Are there conditions for other states' existence? Moral, historical, national? How does it apply to Israel and why is it a matter of discussion at all? [Full article...]
By:  Haaretz Editorial
Israel > Advocacy

Beyond anti-Semitism:  Why They Love to Hate Us

Some 1,500 years of anti-Semitism have taught us that there is something about us that annoys the world. [Full article...]
By: Yair Lapid
Israel > Advocacy

A working definition:  What Makes an anti-Semite?

The purpose of this document is to provide a practical guide for identifying incidents, collecting data, and supporting the implementation and enforcement of legislation dealing with anti-Semitism. [Full article...]
By: Dina Porat

Holocaust, Intifada and beyond:  On Ignoring Anti-Semitism

Many and cunning are the ways to resist acknowledging the resurgent hatred, and what it may portend. [Full article...]
By: Tamar R. Wisse
Peace Process > Terrorism
Peace Process > The Palestinians

Revisiting racism:  The Wages of Durban

"A carnival of hate, and World Conference Against Racism was also a prelude to the events of September 11." But a direct line can also be drawn between the recent Holocaust denial conference in Teheran, and the hatred and anti-Semitism demonstrated in Durban. [Full article...]
By: Arch Puddington
Israel > Advocacy

Still much to be achieved:  Herzl and the Challenge to Anti-Semitism

Herzl was far too �Eurocentric� and secular-minded to imagine that Zionism might provoke the reawakening of fundamentalist Islam and turn Israel into a prime target of Jihad. As a liberal cosmopolitan humanist, he too readily believed in the inexorable march of material progress, science and technology which were bound to overcome fanaticism, barbarism, and superstition. [Full article...]
By: Robert S. Wistrich
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

:  The New Anti-Zionism and the Old Antisemitism: Transformations

A comprehensive analysis of the evolution and impact of Antisemitism and Zionism over the centuries and in modern times. [Full article...]
By: Raphael Jospe


There�s no question of the pivotal role played by the media in the current Middle East conflict. The images flashed around the world have crystallized international opinion and perceptions of both Palestinian and Israeli behavior. What is in doubt, however, is how the journalists who shape that opinion go about their business in this volatile and often dangerous climate. [Full article...]
By: Judy Lash Balint
International Relations
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Jerusalem
Israel > Politics
Media and the Press
Peace Process

New York, 23 September 2004:  Address to the United Nations 59th General Assembly by Silvan Shalom, deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs

The United Nations was established out of the devastation of World War Two in order to build a world of unity and of peace. Today, sixty years after this organization came into being, we must ask ourselves: What are we united for and what are we united against? Are we united for peace and security? Are we united for fairness and justice? Are we united against terror? Are we united against tyranny? Or are we, sadly, united only in cynical and immoral majority votes, that make a mockery of the noble ideals on which this body was founded. [Full article...]
By: Silvan Shalom
International Relations
Israel > Politics
Official Documents

Iranian judoka boycotts his Israeli counterpart:  Olympic Dreams and Nightmares

Iranian judoka Arash Mirashmaeli boycotts his Israeli counterpart, using the "death by chocolate" excuse, but Israel has the last laugh, winning a bronze medal, and later, taking gold in the mistral windsurfing competition. [Full article...]
By: Ted Lapkin
International Relations

Where is the line between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism to be drawn?:  Dr. King: Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism

Martin Luther King, Jr. possessed a remarkable clarity of vision and purpose. He complemented these attributes with a sound, empathic understanding of the history of human oppression. Dr. King's unequivocal renunciation of anti-Zionism reflected his consistent, courageous opposition to all manifestations of bigotry. Against the backdrop of resurgent Jew hatred worldwide, epitomized by the hypocritical September 2001 Durban Conference on "Racism", Dr. King's candid, thoughtful reflections on the true nature of anti-Zionism are particularly edifying. [Full article...]
By: Andrew G. Bostom
Israel > Advocacy

The Jerusalem Program 2004:  Herzl's Unfinished Business

The new Jerusalem Program, adopted by the Zionist General Council in June 2004, is testimony not only to the ongoing relevance of Herzl�s dreams, but also to the determination of the Zionist movement he founded to address emerging realities. Anti-Semitism may not have vanished, as Herzl predicted it would, and the ideal social order he portrayed in his 1902 utopian novel �Old-New Land� is yet to emerge. But the old-new Jerusalem Program is an unequivocal declaration that the will to meet these challenges is as resolute as ever. [Full article...]
By: David Breakstone
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Bible as a source of literature:  Kafka and the Bible

Franz Kafka was commonly considered to be an assimilated Jew, and, at face value, his writings have nothing to do with Judaism. However, on closer examination, even though one would not necessarily look upon Kafka as a religious writer, many Jewish ideas can be seen in his work. [Full article...]
By: Ilan Bloch
Artistic Expressions > Literature

Herzl and Me:  A Visit to Altneuland and its Relevance to the Teaching of Israel Today

In the face of all that is wrong with Israel today, it is important for us to remind ourselves of what it is that the Zionist movement set out to do, and, as teachers of Israel, to go "back to the basics" in conveying Israel's story to our students. Altneuland provides us the opportunity to do that. [Full article...]
By: David Breakstone
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

The recurring issue:  On Hating the Jews

Is there a single explanation for the astonishing persistence of anti-Semitism? [Full article...]
By: Natan Sharansky
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Judeophobia:  Europe's Trademark

The claim that the alleged danger of Judeophobia is an excuse to �silence anti-Israel criticism,� signifies a total shut down of warning systems against this worrying phenomenon. [Full article...]
By: Gustavo Perednik
International Relations

The Jews of Russia:  It Had Its History

Continuing his series on Jewish communities around the world, Mann introduces us to the Jews of Russia with a long, illustrious, and varied history. [Full article...]
By: Stanley Mann
Jewish History > 0600 - 1789: Middle Ages
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jews Around the World

:  The City of Slaughter

This poem, written by Haim Nahman Bialik, was in tribute to the vicitims of the Kishinev pogrom. [Full article...]
By: Haim Nahman Bialik
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

On the "the" in "the Jews": :  From Grammar to Anti-Semitism

The several tongue-twisting" the's" in my title are less difficult to manage than the problem they con�ceal. For there is a conceptual, cultural, and, final�ly, moral issue that bears directly on anti-Semitism in the common linking of the definite article "the" and Jews �that is, in "the Jews." [Full article...]
By: Berel  Lang

Literary Criticism:  The Jew of Malta, Revisited

A little corruption is good for the soul, and Christopher Marlowe�s 'The Jew of Malta' is not a saint, not by a longshot! Purity is reserved for virgins and prophets; the one soon to be corrupted, the other, it would appear, soon to be reformed. Contrary to Shakespeare's Shylock, in 'The Jew of Venice', Barabas, the anti-hero of this remarkable play written in 1588, is neither a devil nor a prophet in need of redemption. [Full article...]
By: Elazar Larry Freifeld
Artistic Expressions > Literature

Events and Activities Ideas:  Dreyfus Affair - January 5th 1895

There is no question that the Dreyfus Affair was a major turning point in how Jews saw themselves within their host nations in the late 1800�s. This was truly a scandal that included the highest echelons of government and the church. This event underlines the strong anti-Semitic attitudes and feelings of the time and can be thought of as a catalyst for the Zionist movement. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Jewish People:  Marx on the Jewish Question

Andre Shapiro's latest offering reflects on Karl Marx's opinions on the Jewish Question and highlights the relevance and value of Marx's views today. [Full article...]
By: Andrei Shapiro
People > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)

The Jewish World:  'Arabs hijack Durban Conference and subvert it into a platform to isolate, defile and de-legitimize Israel'

By: Yehuda Weinraub

The World Zionist Organization Background Document:  The World Conference Against Racism

U.N. member states and representatives of Non Governmental Organizations will convene in Durban, South Africa, from August 31st to September 8th, for the Third U.N. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (WCAR), under the aegis of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs. Mary Robinson. The first two conferences took place in 1978 and 1983. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Weinraub
International Relations

World Conference against Racism:  Statement by Rabbi Michael Melchior, Deputy Foreign Minister of the State of Israel

Statement by Rabbi Michael Melchior, Deputy Foreign Minister of the State of Israel, at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. Delivered by Ambassador Mordecai Yedid, Head of Israeli Delegation. Durban - September 3, 2001 [Full article...]
By: Michael  Melchior
International Relations

Propaganda and manipulation:  Between Palestine and South Africa

The mere insinuation that there can be any kind of similarity between the former apartheid regime in South Africa and the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians over the same territory, is absolutely abominable. And the comparison is rendered even more crude when a buffoon such as Arafat is compared with a leader of Nelson Mandela's stature. Perhaps the world media is becoming a bit less susceptible to these chronic liars. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler

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