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Resources and articles on Terrorism

Releasing hostages vs. terrorists:  Adopt the Ghetto Strategy

In the 13th century, the Maharam of Rotenburg, the leading Ashkenazi sage of the time, was kidnapped and a huge ransom was demanded for his release. The ransom was of course collected, but the Maharam forbade it to be paid. Today we are dealing with similar issues, but so many additional considerations affect our behaviour. [Full article...]
By: Israel Harel
Israel > Israeli Society
Israel > Politics
Peace Process > Terrorism

Holocaust, Intifada and beyond:  On Ignoring Anti-Semitism

Many and cunning are the ways to resist acknowledging the resurgent hatred, and what it may portend. [Full article...]
By: Tamar R. Wisse
Peace Process > Terrorism
Peace Process > The Palestinians

Interview with Martin Indyk, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel:  "Keep Syria and Iran Out of Negotiations Over Lebanon"

As the fighting between Israel and Hizballah rages on, Middle East expert Martin S. Indyk asses the role of Syria and Iran, the possiblity of a ceasefire, the role of an international force, and the possible endgame to this crisis in this interview with Bernard Gwertzman, consulting editor for the Council on Foreign Relations ( [Full article...]
By:  Council on Foreign Relations
International Relations
Peace Process > Terrorism

Sarbanut in a Jewish-Democratic State :  Refusal to Serve

On January 3, 2005, a reserve unit of the Israel Defence Force was called in to evacuate two illegally installed caravans at the outpost of Givat Shalhevet in Samaria. The soldiers and police officers were met by hundreds of settlers who, throwing up a roadblock, attempted to prevent the unit from entering the outpost. Rocks were thrown, abuse was hurled, settlers branded the soldiers �Nazis.� A soldier was forced to fire in the air after a group of settlers attempted to snatch his weapon. In the aftermath of the clash, residents of nearby Yitzhar demanded that the IDF remove an army outpost which houses soldiers protecting the settlement. The army acceded to the demand. [Full article...]
By: Matt Plen
Israel > Politics
Media and the Press
Peace Process > Terrorism
Peace Process > The Palestinians
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Amid Chaos, Life Goes On:  Israel from the Inside

The writers of this article attended the 'Do the Write Thing' conference in Jerusalem in November. Here, they share their impressions on the conflicted region. [Full article...]
By: Laura Mehl Jennifer Bauser
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel Programs
Media and the Press
Peace Process > Terrorism

Hillel the Elder:  Cafe Hillel

Cafe Hillel, the site of the latest terrorist attack in Jerusalem, is named after it's original location, Hillel Street. This article, in addition to being a testimony to the attack, explores the person behind the name of the cafe. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Peace Process > Terrorism
People > @ Beginnings of time - 70: Biblical Age

Nightlife: Intifada Style:  Monday Nights at Home in Jerusalem

Just how dead is Jerusalem�s nightlife? Has the intifada really killed what few options for going out there once were? [Full article...]
By: Ben Jacobson
Artistic Expressions > Music
Israel > Jerusalem
Peace Process > Terrorism

Celebration and Mourning in Jerusalem:  Dancing With the Snakefish

A free concert was recently held in memory of the two American students killed at Hebrew University. Blum explores the seemingly incongruity of the event. [Full article...]
By: Brian Blum
Artistic Expressions > Music
Peace Process > Terrorism

A Jewish Dilemma:  Human Sacrifice, Jepthah�s Daughter and Al-Quaeda

Killing in the name of religion- an ancient, modern, and utterly Jewish issue. [Full article...]
By: Sharonah Fredericko
Peace Process > Terrorism

Civilians Saving Lives:  Israel's Last Line of Defense

Waiters, guards, bus drivers, businessmen, and other unlikely heroes. [Full article...]
By: Fiamma Nirenstein
Peace Process > Terrorism

What is Really Going On?:  Saddam and the Palestinians

The idea that we cannot successfully challenge Iraq without first resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict is both false and dangerous. [Full article...]
By: Efraim Karsh
Peace Process > Terrorism

Life Goes On:  Overcoming Terror

On Israel�s Independence Day, one has to marvel at the country�s compulsion to defy violence and get back to normal after attacks. [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Peace Process > Terrorism

Selfless Contribution:  Circles of Giving

Despite the war in Iraq, this group came to comfort and contribute to Israel in her time of need. [Full article...]
By: Ilene Bloch-Levy
Israel Programs
Peace Process > Terrorism

In Answer to your Question...:  Why Should I go to Israel Now?

Many people are reluctant to go to Israel at the present time. This article addresses some common concerns such as cost, security, and timing. [Full article...]
By: Tiffany Brown
Israel Programs
Peace Process > Terrorism
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations

Personal Narrative:  Wednesday Night On French Hill

I will always know what I was doing at 7:30pm on Wednesday 9 Tamuz 5762, 19 June 2002 because that's the day the world became smaller and will never be completely full again. Everyone in Israel has their own date. This is mine. This essay is about life without Gila Kessler who was killed the third Wednesday of June 2002, on French Hill. She was my brother's best friend. [Full article...]
By: Dina Pinner
Peace Process > Terrorism

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Update:  Arafat's Direct Involvement in Terror

It has become unequivocally clear from the questioning of senior Fatah figures now in Israeli custody (Marwan Barghouti, Nasser Aweis, Nasser Abu Hamid and Ahmed Barghouti) that Yasser Arafat personally approved funding for Fatah operatives, with the knowledge that it would be used to finance terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. In addition, it was revealed that explosive charges used by the terrorists were supplied from the Palestinian Authority's own weapons depots [Full article...]
Peace Process > Terrorism
Peace Process > The Palestinians

Notes from the Middle East:  Musings on Religious Fundamentalism

I set out to write a historical survey, and instead I am going to give you all a bit of a collage. Within that collage of thought and action and some of the most horrible events that I can remember in recent years, I am going to work in more than a bit of history. Keep in mind that I have lived in Israel, for more than twelve years-though, thank God, with frequent jaunts to both North and South America. (Some of you are probably raising your eye-brows-why does she say "thank God"? That doesn't sound too Zionist! Of course it doesn't-ideology at one point has to give way to reality….and you will find very quickly that the ones who come here, touting Zionist ideology to the four winds, are the first to run. Because the situation in the Middle East is simply too horrendous for their nice Vienna-bourgeoise dream ideology. Not that I care whether they come or go. I just wish they would be a bit less hypocritical about their reasons. If I ever decide to go, I'll leave-with no fan fare. I don't need the world orchestra of the Jewish people wishing me goodbye.) [Full article...]
By: Sharonah Fredericko
Peace Process > Terrorism

Panic and Internet-Based Lies and Nonsense:  Nostradamus and the September 11 Nightmare

In this opus, Sharonah takes on (with a battering ram!) all that rubbish about the September 11th attack being somehow foretold by the seer Nostradamus. And in so doing, she reveals Nostradamus' greatness as a social critic. It's a relevant note to sound in these rather hysterical times that we are living in. Internet pseudo-intellectuals , BEWARE!!!!!! [Full article...]
By: Sharonah Fredericko
Peace Process > Terrorism

War On Terror:  Back To The Basics

Aryeh Tepper, in his latest article, views the US strategy on its war against terror as playing into the hands of the enemy. A plan based on Western Democratic values cannot address the complexities of fundamentalism. [Full article...]
By: Aryeh Tepper
International Relations
Peace Process > Terrorism

Response to the Tragedies in North America:  Terrorist Values

In the wake of the terrorist attacks upon the Pentagon and the Twin Towers, the natural reaction is that people want to know who did this, and why. After the culprits will be apprehended, or in this case, after the sponsors of the attack will be identified, people will then begin speculating and reasoning about the material cause of the terrorists’ behavior. It’s all too random and senseless. Why would anyone want to knock down the Twin Towers? What does it accomplish? [Full article...]
By: Aryeh Tepper
Peace Process > Terrorism

The El-Aqsa Intifadah:  A Certain Tendency to Choose Disaster

The Palestinians are finally beginning to understand that the use of violence in the El-Aqsa Intifadah has not brought them the results that they had hoped for. And now, other voices are beginning to be heard, voices which tout moderation and political reason, and shatter the solid consensus within the Palestinian Autonomy. The price that the Palestinians have had to pay for their faulty political reasoning has been dear-since the beginnings of the Intifadah, many of their illusions have been destroyed, and no end is in sight. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler
Peace Process > Terrorism
Peace Process > The Palestinians

Sharonah's history classes:  Ramses and Nebuchadnezzar: Model Enemies for Modern Times

Following a series of brutal terror attacks, in which innocent people who were not involved in any political posturing in the Middle East Conflict were killed, we attempt to get on with our lives. In order to do so, we continue to study Jewish texts in the overall context of History: these books continue to provide us with fascinating windows on the present. [Full article...]
By: Marcelo Kisilevski Sharonah Fredericko
Jewish History > @ Beginnings of time - 70: Biblical Age
Judaism > Jewish Texts
Peace Process > Terrorism

Sharonah's history classes:  Middle East-Nationalism with a Human Face: The Impossible Dream?

The constant waves of terrorism and reprisals which Israel is at present enduring, lead us to ponder the nature of nationalism itself. For Sharonah, nationalism has always been a perverse version of Midas and the golden touch- touching collective identity, it turns it to dust. We are not talking about getting rid of national identity. The question is how can we humanize it. [Full article...]
By: Marcelo Kisilevski Sharonah Fredericko
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Peace Process > Terrorism

Points of view:  The Sacrifice of Isaac: The Palestinian Version

For the author of this article, the current round of Israeli-Palestinian violence is dictated by hatred of a brand not easily comprehended in the more developed world. If the Palestinians only had their way, then a new Eichman would be most welcome, ending the lives of six million Jews-this time concentrated in the same country. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler
Peace Process > Terrorism
Peace Process > The Palestinians

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