Resources and Articles by Ilene Bloch-Levy

Ilene Bloch-Levy is a partner and Copywriter in Impressions, a Creative Marketing Company that prepares 'out-of-the-ordinary' marketing materials and websites. She also is a freelance writer and mother of six who lives in Sha'arei Tikvah. Ilene made Aliyah from New York 1986.
Traditional and Creative Weddings in Israel:
More Than One Voice Under the Chupa
Weddings that follow Jewish legal guidlines and less traditional weddings are performed in Israel. The issues around marriage and perspectives of people who have chosen different paths are explored in the article below.
Israeli Judaism
Life Cycle
Selfless Contribution:
Circles of Giving
Despite the war in Iraq, this group came to comfort and contribute to Israel in her time of need.
Israel Programs
Peace Process
A Pilot Trip to Israel:
Aliyah Now
Ilene Bloch-Levy recently accompanied a group of North Americans on an aliyah pilot trip to Israel. She explores the reasons why, in spite of the situation, they continue to come.
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah Preparation
Israeli Dancing:
Shall we Dance?
Can any of us forget the famous scene of Israelis spontaneously streaming out to the streets of Tel Aviv to dance the hora as Ben Gurion reads the Proclamation of the new State of Israel from the halls of the Tel Aviv Museum? Since that very night, folk dancing has become a staple of the Israeli lifestyle. I have yet to meet an Israeli, religious or secular, from North Tel Aviv or Bnei Brak, new immigrant or veteran who doesn't know even the most basic steps of this liberal dance genre.
Artistic Expressions
Artistic Expressions
Israeli Connections:
Hungarian Roots, Branches and Zionism
It has always been fascinating for me to see how so much of history is enveloped by events that take place as much on the world stage as by seemingly inconsequential personal anecdotes. I watched this theory play out this past Shabbat, when I was an observer to a family reunion whose roots reach far back into Hungary and whose ancestors were responsible for some of the very first rumblings of Zionism in Europe.
Jews Around the World
Zionism and the Diaspora
A Celebration of Jewish Music:
The Zimriya
Jews are a people of the Book as much as we are a people of the Note. The Musical Note, that is. We can trace the first Jewish choral work to Biblical times, where the entire nation made their choral debut in a paean to God for saving them from the hands of the pursuing Egyptians.
Artistic Expressions