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Resources and articles on Life Cycle

End of Religious Marriages?:  A Call for Revolt

Whether an honest call of distress or a provocation, this is a new voice in the Israeli society hoping to find a better alternative to the institution of religious marriages controlled by the rabbinate. [Full article...]
By: Avirama Golan
Israel > Israeli Society
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Women
Judaism > Life Cycle

Traditional and Creative Weddings in Israel:  More Than One Voice Under the Chupa

Weddings that follow Jewish legal guidlines and less traditional weddings are performed in Israel. The issues around marriage and perspectives of people who have chosen different paths are explored in the article below. [Full article...]
By: Ilene Bloch-Levy
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Life Cycle

At a Carlebach Concert?!:  An Inter-Faith Date

It was bound to happen, sooner or later, that I'd "spill out" some of my kishkes (intestines) about How, Why, When, and Where I first went to a Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach concert. [Full article...]
By: Sue Tourkin-Komet
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Life Cycle

Mourning and Jewish Tradition:  Coping with Loss in the Jewish Tradition

Personal and national grief are intertwined in the tapestry of Jewish tradition; in this sensitive article, Artie Fischer draws a poignant connection between the macrocosm of the destruction of the Two Temples, commemorated by the Jews on Tisha Be�v, and the private losses that every human being experiences during his lifetime. Just as the central tenet of the Jewish customs surrounding the mourning period are designed to grant the bereaved time to recuperate, so does the Fast Day of Tisha Beav give us the strength to remember, reflect, and most importantly, to carry on. [Full article...]
By: Artie Fischer
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Tisha Be'Av
Judaism > Life Cycle

Yehuda Halevi:  Marriage Song

Yehuda Halevi (1086-1145), was the greatest Hebrew poet of his time. He hailed from Toledo, Spain, and in addition to mastering biblical Hebrew, Arabic and the intricacies of the Talmud, Yehudah explored the physical sciences, philosophy and metaphysics. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Halevi
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
Judaism > Life Cycle

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