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Resources and articles on Israeli Judaism

End of Religious Marriages?:  A Call for Revolt

Whether an honest call of distress or a provocation, this is a new voice in the Israeli society hoping to find a better alternative to the institution of religious marriages controlled by the rabbinate. [Full article...]
By: Avirama Golan
Israel > Israeli Society
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Women
Judaism > Life Cycle

Religious Kibbutz Movement Revisited:  That's Fanaticism

Following the disengagement from the Gaza Strip led by the Sharon government in 2005, the religious zionist community in Israel is still dealing with the ideological issues that surfaced as a result... This article brings these issues and their political aspects. [Full article...]
By: Tamar Rotem
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Peace Process > Disengagement Plan 2005
Zionism > Religious Zionism

:  Overheard at the GA, November 12, 2006

The following quotes were collected by DTWT participants at this year's GA. [Full article...]
By: Nathalie Alyon

Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Women
Media and the Press
Voices of the Young
Voices of the Young > Do The Write Thing

Communication and the High Holidays:  When Words Fail

Although the words may be predominantly about our subservience to the one true God, the ultimate goal of prayer, I've always believed, is to positively influence our own sense of self so as to improve our interpersonal relationships and to make the planet a better place. Isn't that the highest goal in Judaism tikkun olam � fixing the world? [Full article...]
By: Brian Blum
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Rosh Hashanah
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Calendar

Challenges of the 21st Century:  The Jewish People in the Age of Globalization

In an age of cultural sameness and where everything has been reduced to a commercial commodity, how is Jewish identity and Zionism affected by these challenges? The author outlines the issues of identity and culture in the 21st century. [Full article...]
By: Anita Shapira
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Contradictions in the Modern Jewish Life:  CHAPTER FIVE

The issue of religion in Judaism is waiting for a redefinition "not to be at war with the world and to live by the code that you have inherited". [Full article...]
By: Arthur Hertzberg
Judaism > Israeli Judaism

Traditional and Creative Weddings in Israel:  More Than One Voice Under the Chupa

Weddings that follow Jewish legal guidlines and less traditional weddings are performed in Israel. The issues around marriage and perspectives of people who have chosen different paths are explored in the article below. [Full article...]
By: Ilene Bloch-Levy
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Life Cycle

Judaism as a Point of Contention:  Israel as a Jewish State

The nature of 'Jewish' in the state of Israel is under debate. Cohen explores the origins of the conflict and a possible solutions within the framework of religious Zionism. [Full article...]
By: Naomi Goldstein Cohen
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Zionism > Religious Zionism

The Conflict and the Solution:  Religious and Secular Jews in Israel

Since the Rabin assassination, more attention has been focused on relations between religious and secular Jews in Israel. This article, based on first-hand interviews with relevant organizations, explores what some organizations are doing to bridge the divide. [Full article...]
By: Lisa Richlen
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Texts

Contradiction and Compatibility:  A Jewish and Democratic State

Israel defines itself as both Jewish and democratic- concepts which often conflict with each other. This article will give the reader a better sense of those points of tension in current Israeli life and ways in which they can be dealt with. [Full article...]
By: Lisa Richlen
Judaism > Israeli Judaism

Trends in Israeli Judaism:  Then and Now

Jews who come to Israel from other places in the world, particularly where liberal streams of Judaism are dominant, are often confused by the different Jewish groups in Israel. This article presents major religious groups in Israel while giving the reader some historical background and current context for understanding them. [Full article...]
By: Lisa Richlen
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Streams of Judaism
Zionism > Religious Zionism

Graffiti in Israel:  The Writing on the Wall

What does graffiti tell us about the environment from which it comes? Judy Balint explores the political, cultural, and religious messages embedded in Jerusalem-area graffiti. [Full article...]
By: Judy Lash Balint
Israel > Jerusalem
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Israeli Judaism

Freedom of the Individual:  Judaism and Democracy

A commonly held view is that Judaism and liberal democracy necessarily exist in conflict with each other. This view finds adherents among both liberal democrats and Orthodox Jews. There are liberal democrats who consider Judaism to be a paternalistic religion that is hostile to freedom, and there are Orthodox Jews who consider liberal democracy's separation between church and state - the public and the private spheres - to be atheistic in intent and permissive in practice. [Full article...]
By: Aryeh Tepper
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Israeli Judaism

Culture and Politics in Israel:  An Alternative Vision of Reality: A Rightwinger on Left-Wing Israel Radio

Any attempt to create dialogue between the secular wing of Jewry and its more Orthodox counterpart pales in comparison to the popular Israeli Army radio station's "The Last Word". On that show, a secular left-wing Israeli daily confronts a right-wing religious Jew, usually on issues related to current events. Secular spokespersons are a flourishing breed; the right-wing participant is, on the radio show, always the same. That makes him quite a rare bird in the left wing world of Israeli media. [Full article...]
By: Ariel Bercovich
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Media and the Press

Society and Education in Israel:  The Decadence of Secular Humanism

If the movers and shakers of secular humanism cannot uphold their truths when they actually attain positions of power and influence, why should we be shocked that religious nationalism and its concommitant, ultraorthodoxy, continue to be on the rise? A return to roots, to the foundation of the State of Israel and to the 1950�s, flesh out the response to this fairly rhetorical question. [Full article...]
By: Sergio Rotbart
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Israeli Judaism

Jewish Continuity :  Introduction: The Identity Crisis

Laurence Weinbaum In 1958, the inaugural issue of World Jewry, a publication of the British section of the World Jewish Congress, carried an article entitled "Discovering Jewishness for the Sabra". That story drew attention to "the crisis of Israel's youth" and to the launching of a Jewish consciousness programme" to heighten Jewish identity among Israeli youngsters and to enhance their inadequate knowledge of Jewish subjects. [Full article...]
By: Avi Beker Laurence Weinbaum
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel:  Prayer for The Welfare of The State of Israel

In the early decades of Israeli statehood, the mainstream religious Zionist movements (the "Mizrachi" and its affiliates) encouraged full participation with the secular majority. A prayer for the welfare of the State of Israel was formulated and is recited in most synagogues. It refers to the Jewish state as "the first flowering of our redemption." [Full article...]
Judaism > Cholent: Little bit O' this, Little bit O' that
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Zionism > Religious Zionism

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