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Resources and articles on Streams of Judaism

Analysis of an Orthodox Myth :  Did Reform Judaism Lead to Assimilation?

It is commonly accepted that liberal streams of Judaism lead to assimilation. Fredricko debunks this myth and puts the blame squarely on Orthodoxy. [Full article...]
By: Sharonah Fredericko
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Streams of Judaism

A Quandary :  Religious Zionism and the Non-Orthodox

Orthodoxy views itself as the physical and spiritual heir of the authentic Jewish tradition. This presents a dilemma when relating to non-Orthodox Jews. [Full article...]
By: Marc D. Angel
Judaism > Streams of Judaism
Zionism > Religious Zionism

Israeli Style:  Conversion to Judaism

Provided by Ta Shma, this article gives the reader background on the Jewish sources informing conversion, the process of conversion in Israel, and the controversy that surrounds it. [Full article...]
By: Mordechai Goldberg
Judaism > Conversion
Judaism > Jewish Texts
Judaism > Streams of Judaism

Trends in Israeli Judaism:  Then and Now

Jews who come to Israel from other places in the world, particularly where liberal streams of Judaism are dominant, are often confused by the different Jewish groups in Israel. This article presents major religious groups in Israel while giving the reader some historical background and current context for understanding them. [Full article...]
By: Lisa Richlen
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Streams of Judaism
Zionism > Religious Zionism

Jewish Culture:  Heine:Father of Secular Judaism

A new book which details the life of one of the great poets of German Romanticism, offers a new angle on Heine's conflictual attitude towrds his own Judaism and to Jews in general. This poet, who did not return to Judaism, since he claimed to never have abandoned it,was an involuntary forefather of the Emancipation: he paved the way for secular Judaism. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
Judaism > Streams of Judaism
People > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)

Rationalism Fights for its Rightful Place:  Effective Anti-Self Delusion Antidote

In a world that appears to be hovering on the brink of insanity, where technological sophistication and a veritable supermarket of spiritual values bicker over our hearts and minds, Reason, that long discredited value, may offer us a way out of the quagmire. Such is the point of view of Sherwin Wine, standard-bearer for North American secular and humanistic Judaism. His latest book "How to Remain Sane While Everyone Around You Is Going Crazy," hies to this logical line. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler
Judaism > Streams of Judaism

Jewish Thought ����:  The Creed of a Secular Jew

s it possible to be a proudly committed Jew and not believe in God? According to Uruguayan Jewish journalist Egon Friedler it definitely is. Self-definition of one�s own Judaism and creative awareness of Jewish culture are the key. Special attention is paid to the issue of anti-democratic elements in Jewish society who would destroy the pluralism necessary for over-all Jewish survival. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Streams of Judaism

Purification and Pluralism:  One Voice...Many Listeners

Despite the undeniable historical sense of solidarity which has always characterized the Jewish people, chinks have appeared in the armor: the experience is real, but certain segments of Judaism are unwilling to admit others into the club, based on the very particular interpretation of Who is a Jew? In this article, Mark Lazar looks at the Jewish mosaic in all its complexity, and makes a plea for tolerance that should be heard. [Full article...]
By: Mark Lazar
Judaism > Streams of Judaism

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