Resources and Articles by Mark Lazar

Mark Lazar has been involved in formal and informal Jewish Education since 1973 and has been associated with the Jewish Agency in Israel, the Joint Distribution Committee, the University of Judaism, and numerous schools and institutions. He has led seminars and workshops in the United States, Israel, England, Australia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland and the former Yugoslavia. He is concluding a two year stint in San Francisco with the Bureau of Jewish Education and will be returning to Jerusalem and his community development work for the Joint in Eastern Europe.
The Ramblings of a Contemporary Jew:
Yom Kippur
I believe that one should both personalize and own one's belief and value system, in terms of religion, ideology and in how one leads one's life from day to day, year to year, life to death. The views expressed in these words are not tied to a stream of Judaism or to a specific group of Jews, they belong to the ramblings of a contemporary Jew on his journey in this world.
Holidays with a Twist
Yom Kippur
Processing and Educating on the Current Crises in the Middle East
Activity to help process the thoughts and feelings of participants in regard to the current situation and to help think out educational goals and rationales that would be considered in not only hands-on activities and materials for youth and young adults, but would be considered also in day to day contact with parents and youth in the areas of recruitment and truly informal 'discussions' about the current situation.
Peace Process
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Purification and Pluralism:
One Voice...Many Listeners
Despite the undeniable historical sense of solidarity which has always characterized the Jewish people, chinks have appeared in the armor: the experience is real, but certain segments of Judaism are unwilling to admit others into the club, based on the very particular interpretation of Who is a Jew? In this article, Mark Lazar looks at the Jewish mosaic in all its complexity, and makes a plea for tolerance that should be heard.
Streams of Judaism