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Resources and articles on Poetry

:  The City of Slaughter

This poem, written by Haim Nahman Bialik, was in tribute to the vicitims of the Kishinev pogrom. [Full article...]
By: Haim Nahman Bialik
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

:  Never Again

[Full article...]
By: Lois Michal Unger
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

1921-1944:  Hannah Senesh (Szenes)

Hannah Senesh, diarist, poet, playwright and parachutist in the Jewish resistance under the British Armed Forces during World War II was born and died in Budapest Hungary. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Poetry by Rochelle Mass:  Poetry and Place

The following two poems: 'I came to join the women' and 'The mind of winter' are part of a new collection of poetry written by Rochelle Mass. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Beit Bialik, Bialik Street, Kiryat Bialik :  Haim Nachman Bialik (1873 � 1934)

Street signs in Israel bear names of individuals, past and present, who have contributed significantly to the nation�s development. Using street signs as direction, this series will briefly introduce the leading personalities in Israeli history. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Selections from The Glass Lies Shattered All Around:  Tel-Aviv - January 1991

Selections of the poetry of the current editor of arc 16 - the magazine of the Israel Association of Writers in English [Full article...]
By: Lois Michal Unger
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Selections from The Glass Lies Shattered All Around:  Book of Tehillim

Selections of the poetry of the current editor of arc 16 - the magazine of the Israel Association of Writers in English [Full article...]
By: Lois Michal Unger
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Jewish Culture:  Heine:Father of Secular Judaism

A new book which details the life of one of the great poets of German Romanticism, offers a new angle on Heine's conflictual attitude towrds his own Judaism and to Jews in general. This poet, who did not return to Judaism, since he claimed to never have abandoned it,was an involuntary forefather of the Emancipation: he paved the way for secular Judaism. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
Judaism > Streams of Judaism
People > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)

Hannukah Poems:  Hannukah Poems

Nicholas Gordon, born 1940, is an English professor at New Jersey City University. He is writing poetry and fiction. [Full article...]
By: Nicholas Gordon
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Repentance:  Repentance is Quite Different From Regret

Nicholas Gordon, born 1940, is an English professor at New Jersey City University. He is writing poetry and fiction. [Full article...]
By: Nicholas Gordon
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Medieval Jewish Poetry:  In Remembrance of Jerusalem

Yehuda Halevi (1086-1145), was the greatest Hebrew poet of his time. He hailed from Toledo, Spain, and in addition to mastering biblical Hebrew, Arabic and the intricacies of the Talmud, Yehudah explored the physical sciences, philosophy and metaphysics. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Halevi
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Medieval Jewish Poetry:  Marriage Song

Yehuda Halevi (1086-1145), was the greatest Hebrew poet of his time. He hailed from Toledo, Spain, and in addition to mastering biblical Hebrew, Arabic and the intricacies of the Talmud, Yehudah explored the physical sciences, philosophy and metaphysics. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Halevi
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Amichai - one of Israels leading poets:  Travels

Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was born in Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages including Chinese, Estonian and Albanian. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Israel Prize, the country's highest honor. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Amichai
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Amichai - one of Israels leading poets:  Yad Mordechai

Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was born in Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages including Chinese, Estonian and Albanian. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Israel Prize, the country's highest honor. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Amichai
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Medieval Jewish Poetry:  Sabbath, My Love (Shalom Loch Yom ha-Shevi-i)

Yehuda Halevi (1086-1145), was the greatest Hebrew poet of his time. He hailed from Toledo, Spain, and in addition to mastering biblical Hebrew, Arabic and the intricacies of the Talmud, Yehudah explored the physical sciences, philosophy and metaphysics. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Halevi
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Amichai - one of Israels leading poets:  Jerusalem

Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was born in Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages including Chinese, Estonian and Albanian. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Israel Prize, the country's highest honor. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Amichai
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Amichai - one of Israels leading poets:  A Jewish Cemetery in Germany

Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was born in Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages including Chinese, Estonian and Albanian. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Israel Prize, the country's highest honor. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Amichai
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Amichai - one of Israels leading poets:  Four Poems About Jerusalem

Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was born in Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages including Chinese, Estonian and Albanian. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Israel Prize, the country's highest honor. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Amichai
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Amichai - one of Israels leading poets:  Jews in the Land of Israel

Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was born in Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages including Chinese, Estonian and Albanian. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Israel Prize, the country's highest honor. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Amichai
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Amichai - one of Israels leading poets:  Quick and Bitter

Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was born in Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages including Chinese, Estonian and Albanian. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Israel Prize, the country's highest honor. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Amichai
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Amichai - one of Israels leading poets:  Ein Yahav

Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) was born in Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936. His work has been translated into thirty-seven languages including Chinese, Estonian and Albanian. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Israel Prize, the country's highest honor. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Amichai
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Medieval Jewish Poetry:  My Heart Is In the East

Yehuda Halevi (1086-1145), was the greatest Hebrew poet of his time. He hailed from Toledo, Spain, and in addition to mastering biblical Hebrew, Arabic and the intricacies of the Talmud, Yehudah explored the physical sciences, philosophy and metaphysics. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Halevi
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Medieval Jewish Poetry:  To Mount Abarim

Yehuda Halevi (1086-1145), was the greatest Hebrew poet of his time. He hailed from Toledo, Spain, and in addition to mastering biblical Hebrew, Arabic and the intricacies of the Talmud, Yehudah explored the physical sciences, philosophy and metaphysics. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Halevi
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Yehuda Halevi:  Marriage Song

Yehuda Halevi (1086-1145), was the greatest Hebrew poet of his time. He hailed from Toledo, Spain, and in addition to mastering biblical Hebrew, Arabic and the intricacies of the Talmud, Yehudah explored the physical sciences, philosophy and metaphysics. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Halevi
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
Judaism > Life Cycle

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