Resources and articles on Jerusalem

Understanding the Storm in a Teacup:  The gate of the Jews

We are again witnessing a dispute over the area around the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This is one of many disputes that have been going on between the religions throughout history, and this time it is over a bridge that is being rebuilt to reach one of the gates of the Old City. This article presents the background to this dispute. [Full article...]
By: Nadav Shragai
Israel > Jerusalem
Israel > Politics

Jazzy Capital of Israel:  Jerusalem of Soul

The Jerusalem Jazz scene is recently going through a phase of renewal. The spiritual city is thus attracting young people who are also looking both for fun and an existential approach. [Full article...]
By: Ben Shalev
Artistic Expressions > Music
Israel > Jerusalem

Jerusalem in focus:  Division, Where Unification Failed

One of the issues which is less disputed in the public debate in Israel is the unified status of Jerusalem, its capital. Here is a different point of view bringing to us Teddy Kollek's - the late legendary mayor of Jerusalem - interesting comments. [Full article...]
By: Moshe Amirav
Israel > Jerusalem
Israel > Politics
Peace Process
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

More than a legendary mayor:  Jerusalem's Protagonist

Teddy Kollek and Jerusalem: A tribute to the lagandary mayor of Jerusalem who sought to influence through the force of his activism, to distract his subjects from their day-to-day struggles and convince them life was beautiful beyond their destructive hates. [Full article...]
By: Meron Benvenisti
Israel > Jerusalem
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age


There�s no question of the pivotal role played by the media in the current Middle East conflict. The images flashed around the world have crystallized international opinion and perceptions of both Palestinian and Israeli behavior. What is in doubt, however, is how the journalists who shape that opinion go about their business in this volatile and often dangerous climate. [Full article...]
By: Judy Lash Balint
International Relations
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Jerusalem
Israel > Politics
Media and the Press
Peace Process

Society:  The Anglo Jerusalemite Stereotype Guide

So varied and established is the English-speaking community in Jerusalem that one can even generalize about the types of English-speakers who frequent particular areas of the city. Of course, generalizations like these are inherently flawed in that they give an over-simplified picture, but below are five easy categories of Jerusalemite Anglos and several characteristics that help identify them. [Full article...]
By: Ben Jacobson
Aliyah InfoBase > Housing
Aliyah InfoBase > Life as a Tourist (and the next step...)
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Information for the Oleh
Israel > Jerusalem

Insights From The Kabbalah:  The Struggle Over The Temple Mount

The Temple Mount. In Hebrew, Har HaBayit. No other religious site arouses as much passion and controversy as this particular piece of real estate. Within the context of Israel's present-day situation, control over Jerusalem's destiny is like the fury of a hurricane, with the Temple Mount encompassing the very eye of the storm. Endless political and historical commentaries have been written about this particular storm. However, standard textbooks cannot explain the deeper underpinnings of the existential struggle for control over the Temple Mount. Fortunately, the esoteric writings of the Kabbalah provide lucid answers not only to the multi-faceted triumphs and tribulations of daily life for the Jew, but also to the core mystery surrounding the Temple Mount. [Full article...]
By: Chaim Yochanan Cohen
Israel > Jerusalem
Judaism > Jewish Texts

Nightlife: Intifada Style:  Monday Nights at Home in Jerusalem

Just how dead is Jerusalem�s nightlife? Has the intifada really killed what few options for going out there once were? [Full article...]
By: Ben Jacobson
Artistic Expressions > Music
Israel > Jerusalem
Peace Process > Terrorism

The Eternal Capital for the Eternal People:  If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem

Why does Jerusalem capture the Jewish soul? Read more about the meaning of Jerusalem to the Jewish people, particularly in recent times. [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Israel > Jerusalem
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

The Status of Jerusalem Around the World:  Represented in Jerusalem

As Israel gets ready to celebrate Jerusalem Day, commemorating the reunification of the city 36 years ago, most nations of the world still consider Jerusalem to be in� a special category��neither the symbolic nor administrative capital of Israel. [Full article...]
By: Judy Lash Balint
International Relations
Israel > Jerusalem
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Yom Yerushalayim

Mr. Jerusalem:  Teddy (Theodor) Kollek

�If you want one single word to symbolize all of Jewish history, that would be JERUSALEM,� claimed Teddy Kollek, Aug. 11th, 1988, who has been crowned MR. JERUSALEM. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Israel > Jerusalem
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Yom Yerushalayim
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Graffiti in Israel:  The Writing on the Wall

What does graffiti tell us about the environment from which it comes? Judy Balint explores the political, cultural, and religious messages embedded in Jerusalem-area graffiti. [Full article...]
By: Judy Lash Balint
Israel > Jerusalem
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Israeli Judaism

Places of Israel:  Jerusalem

Jerusalem is always with us. Even if you are a stranger, Jerusalem is not strange to you. To walk its streets is to acknowledge the generations that have walked here beforehand -- if not physically, then in other, less tangible ways. The place is familiar because it is a city you yourself carry around with you wherever you are going -- a boundless Jerusalem that finds its bounds here, a timeless city that is caught inside these walls. [Full article...]
By: Mordechai Beck
Israel > Jerusalem

Israeli Society:  Jerusalem neighbourhood says no to globalization

Many Israelis were convinced that the post-September 11th "International War on Terror" would help Israel's stature on the global stage. "Now they know what we go through" was a common refrain heard from Israelis in the days following the terrorist attacks in the States, referring to the daily tension associated with living in a country where you never know when the next car, bus or pizzeria is going to explode. Since September 11th, Americans are now experiencing what has become a part of daily Israeli life - the anxiety of not knowing when terror will strike next. Like Israelis deciding whether or not to go to the mall, Americans are now struggling with the difficult task of weighing the risks of participating in such everyday activities as driving over a busy bridge in rush-hour, attending a crowded sports event or even opening the mail. Despite similarities between daily life in Israel and America post-September 11th due to the constant threat of the next terror attacks, there is a conflict of a much different nature taking place in the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Baka, which also indicates Israel's achievement as a Western developed country. [Full article...]
By: Jared Matas
Israel > Jerusalem

A Highly Unorthodox Opinion:  Sanctity, Sovereignty and Jewish Identity

During the preceding months, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been monumentally transforming itself from a political-territorial clash, into a cultural-religious one. And as opposed to land-and even private dwellings-which can be divided in a relatively just fashion, THE TRUTH, as well as the rites and symbols which are its auxiliary, cannot be shared, particularly by those who view themselves as its sole legitimate representative. [Full article...]
By: Raquel Hodara
Israel > Jerusalem
Peace Process

Personal Viewpoint:  On Possession and Conciousness

An article written by David Breakstone, (Head of the Department for Zionist Activities of the World Zionist Organization and a member of the Executive of the Jewish Agency and WZO), expressing his own views, regarding the status of Jerusalem in the peace negotiations. The Temple Mount, Jerusalem's holiest site, is the most disputed area in the world and Mr. Breakstone outlines the concessions that he believes must be made to achieve a just and lasting peace. [Full article...]
By: David Breakstone
Israel > Jerusalem
Peace Process

:  Some Very Quick Thoughts About a Very Special Place

Maybe Jerusalem is more than just a place [Full article...]
By: Robin Treistman
Israel > Jerusalem
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Yom Yerushalayim

Jerusalem through the ages:  Timeline: History of Jerusalem

"Jerusalem is for Israel the focal point of Jewish History: the symbol of ancient glory, of longing, of prayer, of modern renewal." -- Abba Eban, Israeli Statesperson [Full article...]
Israel > Jerusalem

Returning the Kotel to Jewish People:  Selections on the Return of the Old City and Kotel to the Jewish People

The old men and old women will yet sit in the streets of Yerushalayim and the ruins of Yerushalayim will fill up with little boys and little girls playing in her streets. Zecharyah 8:4-5 [Full article...]
Israel > Jerusalem

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