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Resources and articles on Music

Jazzy Capital of Israel:  Jerusalem of Soul

The Jerusalem Jazz scene is recently going through a phase of renewal. The spiritual city is thus attracting young people who are also looking both for fun and an existential approach. [Full article...]
By: Ben Shalev
Artistic Expressions > Music
Israel > Jerusalem

Music without boundaries:  Dmitri Shostakovich and the Jews

This article traces through the Jewish elements, motifes and influences in Dmitri Shostakovich's work, one of the greatest composers of the 20th century. The article celebrates the 100th anniversay in September of the birth of Shostakovich in 1906. [Full article...]
By: Cecil Bloom
Artistic Expressions > Music

Jewish Music:  Sephardic Song

It's medieval -or is it? It's Spanish -or is it? It's Jewish -well, yes, it certainly is. But what makes it Jewish? What is Sephardic music anyway? [Full article...]
By: Judith Cohen
Artistic Expressions > Music
Judaism > Jewish Languages

Nightlife: Intifada Style:  Monday Nights at Home in Jerusalem

Just how dead is Jerusalem�s nightlife? Has the intifada really killed what few options for going out there once were? [Full article...]
By: Ben Jacobson
Artistic Expressions > Music
Israel > Jerusalem
Peace Process > Terrorism

Celebration and Mourning in Jerusalem:  Dancing With the Snakefish

A free concert was recently held in memory of the two American students killed at Hebrew University. Blum explores the seemingly incongruity of the event. [Full article...]
By: Brian Blum
Artistic Expressions > Music
Peace Process > Terrorism

Israeli Dancing:  Shall we Dance?

Can any of us forget the famous scene of Israelis spontaneously streaming out to the streets of Tel Aviv to dance the hora as Ben Gurion reads the Proclamation of the new State of Israel from the halls of the Tel Aviv Museum? Since that very night, folk dancing has become a staple of the Israeli lifestyle. I have yet to meet an Israeli, religious or secular, from North Tel Aviv or Bnei Brak, new immigrant or veteran who doesn't know even the most basic steps of this liberal dance genre. [Full article...]
By: Ilene Bloch-Levy
Artistic Expressions
Artistic Expressions > Music

A Celebration of Jewish Music:  The Zimriya

Jews are a people of the Book as much as we are a people of the Note. The Musical Note, that is. We can trace the first Jewish choral work to Biblical times, where the entire nation made their choral debut in a paean to God for saving them from the hands of the pursuing Egyptians. [Full article...]
By: Ilene Bloch-Levy
Artistic Expressions > Music

Israeli Music and Culture:  Songs From the Land of Israel: 2002

Shenkin Street, Tel Aviv, 2002: life goes on. Suicide bombs and political crises come and go faster than you can say "new elections" � but on Shenkin everything comes down to coffee, tattooed 16-year old pierced in unmentionable places, and neon-colored juice cocktails. From the "lower" end with its garish shoe stores and punky music shops to the more mature, bohemian "upper" end near Rothschild Blvd., Shenkin retains the image of a community whose residents are concerned with music, literature, art and fashion � anything but the dreaded "situation." [Full article...]
By: Dahlia Scheindlin
Artistic Expressions > Music

Events and Activities Ideas:  Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra Founded - January 7th 1939

Israel is one of the most active centers of musical activity from classical to folk to modern music as a result of its immigrant roots. Music has always had a place in the cultural life of the Jews of Palestine after World War I. However, it wouldn't be until the 1930's that music would become a major professional occupation with the influx of thousands of composers, students, instrumentalists, singers and music lovers fleeing from Nazi Europe. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Artistic Expressions > Music

Israeli Rock:  Natasha's Friends: Radio Blah-Blah

The texts of the now defunct Israeli rock group, The Friends of Natasha, take us on a voyage through modern day Israeli society and all its ills, on both the social and individual level. Their music conveys: postmodernism, alienation, immigration, discrimination, oppression and depression. The personal history of the group shows us clearly that one can find a way out of the morass. Yes, one can escape. [Full article...]
By: Ariel Bercovich
Artistic Expressions > Music

Hagshama Evening:  Peace, Felafel and Rock n'Roll

On March 1st 2001, in the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, over 1,400 young people joined in a massive celebration organized by the Hagshamah department of the World Zionist Organization with the support of Keren Kayemeth Leisrael. Everything and anything was to be found: songs, dances, speeches, cheers, and hordes of youth getting to know each other better. The cherry on the cake was the appearance of Aviv Geffen, noted Israeli rock star and the center of various controversial storms. We took the liberty of cornering him in his dressing room , and this is the result... [Full article...]
By: Ariel Bercovich
Artistic Expressions > Music

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