Resources and Articles by Ariel Bercovich

Ariel Bercovich was born is Buenos Aires in 1976. Between the years 1992-1995, he studied music and hosted his own radio show.
In 1995 he immigrated to Israel. He graduated from the Cinema & Television department at Tel Aviv University. Ariel has composed and edited soundtracks for award-winning international films. Since 1999, he has written articles on culture and society for various Israeli and Argentinean newspapers.
Israeli Rock:
Natasha's Friends: Radio Blah-Blah
The texts of the now defunct Israeli rock group, The Friends of Natasha, take us on a voyage through modern day Israeli society and all its ills, on both the social and individual level. Their music conveys: postmodernism, alienation, immigration, discrimination, oppression and depression. The personal history of the group shows us clearly that one can find a way out of the morass. Yes, one can escape.
Artistic Expressions
Culture and Politics in Israel:
An Alternative Vision of Reality: A Rightwinger on Left-Wing Israel Radio
Any attempt to create dialogue between the secular wing of Jewry and its more Orthodox counterpart pales in comparison to the popular Israeli Army radio station's "The Last Word". On that show, a secular left-wing Israeli daily confronts a right-wing religious Jew, usually on issues related to current events. Secular spokespersons are a flourishing breed; the right-wing participant is, on the radio show, always the same. That makes him quite a rare bird in the left wing world of Israeli media.
Israeli Judaism
Media and the Press
Hagshama Evening:
Peace, Felafel and Rock n'Roll
On March 1st 2001, in the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, over 1,400 young people joined in a massive celebration organized by the Hagshamah department of the World Zionist Organization with the support of Keren Kayemeth Leisrael. Everything and anything was to be found: songs, dances, speeches, cheers, and hordes of youth getting to know each other better. The cherry on the cake was the appearance of Aviv Geffen, noted Israeli rock star and the center of various controversial storms. We took the liberty of cornering him in his dressing room , and this is the result...
Artistic Expressions