Resources and Articles by Dahlia Scheindlin

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Dahlia Scheindlin is a public opinion research consultant and a freelance writer living in Tel Aviv. She has conducted extensive research on social and political issues in Israel and abroad, consulting on the Israeli electoral campaigns in 1999 and 2001. She has published articles on Israeli society, politics, culture and literature in local and foreign publications.
Israeli Music and Culture:
Songs From the Land of Israel: 2002
Shenkin Street, Tel Aviv, 2002: life goes on. Suicide bombs and political crises come and go faster than you can say "new elections" � but on Shenkin everything comes down to coffee, tattooed 16-year old pierced in unmentionable places, and neon-colored juice cocktails. From the "lower" end with its garish shoe stores and punky music shops to the more mature, bohemian "upper" end near Rothschild Blvd., Shenkin retains the image of a community whose residents are concerned with music, literature, art and fashion � anything but the dreaded "situation."
Artistic Expressions