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Resources and articles on 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Menachem Begin:  Forgotten Virtues of Leadership

It was not so long ago, and the leadership in Israel behaved differently, and the public did not imagine it could be otherwise. This is an almost nostalgic visit to the past in the wake of new behavioral patterns of the recent leadership. [Full article...]
By: Moshe Arens
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Yet Another Challenge:  Israel's Real Demographic Problem

Demography of Israel: Does it pose a threat to Israel's democracy? Does it pose a threat to the Jewish State? This article raises the issues and explores the implications of the populations trends in Israel. [Full article...]
By: Eric Rozenman
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Peace Process > The Palestinians

Acceptance at any price?:  Europe's "Good Jews"

On the continent, the morally correct way to show concern for the Jewish state is to defame it. [Full article...]
By: Emanuele Ottolenghi
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Media and the Press
Peace Process
Zionism > Post-Zionism
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Challenges of the 21st Century:  The Jewish People in the Age of Globalization

In an age of cultural sameness and where everything has been reduced to a commercial commodity, how is Jewish identity and Zionism affected by these challenges? The author outlines the issues of identity and culture in the 21st century. [Full article...]
By: Anita Shapira
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Our Challenge:  The Zionist Mission

This is the speech of Haim Hayet, Head of the World Zionist Organization Department for Hagshama, during his appearance at the Young Zionist Leadership Conference of January 2005, held in Miami, Florida. [Full article...]
By: Haim Hayet
Aliyah InfoBase > Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Teaching Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Media and the Press
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Voices from the Past: Richard Gottheil:  The Aims of Zionism

In a peroration of a speech given in New York City on November 1 1898, Dr. Richard Gottheil defines the ultimate aims of Zionism. Then a professor of Semitic Languages and Rabbinical Literature at Columbia University in New York City, as well as President and co-founder of the American Federation of Zionists, Dr. Gottheil demonstrates how the dangers of assimilation are reconcilable with the Zionist cause. [Full article...]
By: Richard Gottheil
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Zionist Biography:  A Dove Among Hawks: Moshe Sharett -the Political Tragedy of an Israeli Leader

Moderation or escalation -these were the two basic alternatives in the entwined domains of foreign and defense policies confronting Israel's leadership immediately after the historic and bloody victory in the War of Independence in 1948-1949, and that have confronted government after government unceasingly to this very day. It was the choice of history that these two contradictory and fateful alternatives were first epitomized by David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett. These two outstanding leaders had stood together at the helm of the yishuv -the Jewish community of Palestine- starting in the early 1930s, leading up to the establishment of the State of Israel, and throughout the State's formative years until 1956. [Full article...]
By: Ya'akov Sharett
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Zionist Biography:  Aaron Aaronsohn: Agronomist, Spy, Zionist

Aaron Aaronsohn (1876-1919) was a member of the remarkable Aaronsohn family who were early chalutzim in Eretz Yisrael, and he became the leading agronomist in the country. His work was of great importance in the development of agriculture there, but if indeed he is remembered, it is not for this but for his role in espionage work in Palestine carried out for the British Army, his general supportive role to the British in their fight to wrest Palestine from Turkey, and for his subsequent pro-Zionist work. The successful British campaign against Turkey was helped materially by his unparalleled knowledge of Palestine. [Full article...]
By: Cecil Bloom
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

The recurring issue:  On Hating the Jews

Is there a single explanation for the astonishing persistence of anti-Semitism? [Full article...]
By: Natan Sharansky
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

:  America is Galut

The Jew cannot settle down in freedom to be himself, "just like everybody else." When in his own inner consciousness he begins to approach a real feeling of at-homeness within the larger society, what remains of his Jewish identity is too little and to personalized to sustain a community. It inevitably follows that there is only one possible mode for the survival of a Jewish community in a free society. It can live only by emphasizing what is unique to itself and by convincing its children that that uniqueness is worth having. [Full article...]
By: Arthur Hertzberg
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Jews Around the World
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Brandeis on Zionism:  A Collection of Addresses and Statements by Louis D. Brandeis

Included in this document are the speeches entitled Numbers Count, The Victory of the Maccabees, Not by Charity Alone, Blackstone and Herzl and Democracy Means Responsibility, [Full article...]
By: Louis Brandeis
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Essential Zionist Texts
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Women Zionists:  Golda Meir (1898-1978)

I believe we will have peace with our neighbors. But I am certain that if Israel is not strong there will not be peace.� [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
International Relations
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Women
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Women in Israel:  National Report on the Status of Women in Israel

In this report, you will find the details of this progress in legislation, in initiatives taken by the Knesset Committee for the Advancement of the Status of women, and in the many activities by women's groups and organizations and by the Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women in Israel since the Beijing Conference in 1995. [Full article...]
International Relations
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Women

Israel's Youth Movements:  Living their Ideals

Israel is a society well aware of the importance of creating a nurturing environment that prepares its youth to be responsible, caring adults, "working for the good of others." [Full article...]
By: Beth Uval
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Israeli Politicians:  The Unfounded Rabin Myth

Was Yitzhak Rabin as courageous and fearless as he is currently regarded? Read on for a different view. [Full article...]
By: Barak Barfi
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Peace Process
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Ideology:  The Message of Labour Zionism

Labor Zionism represents a particular vision of Jewish destiny- a free nation, building a just society and safeguarding it. Jewish national freedom and social justice are the poles of our doctrine, our point of departure, our destination. The relationship and union between these two values, at times the tensions or contradictions, and, in the final resort, the balance between them, mark the ideological and political course of Labor Zionism in a period of revolutionary change. [Full article...]
By: Abba Eban
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Zionism:  The Historical Balance Sheet of Zionist Ideology

Now that Zionism has existed in its modern conception for a hundred years, the time has come to test its relevancy on two planes: The first as a basic analysis of Jewish existence, and the second, as a solution which can act as a guideline for the present and for building the future. [Full article...]
By: Shlomo Dinur
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Sinai Experience:  Volunteers, Six Days Plus

Mountains melted before Ha-Shem -as did Sinai-before Ha-Shem, the God of Israel. [Full article...]
By: Michael Zimmerman
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

The Blessings- and Curse- of Power:  Life in Modern Israel

As Israel grows up, life seems to get increasingly complicated. This article explains.... [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

A History of Change:  War and Peace in Modern Israel

The borders of the modern state of Israel have be drawn and re-drawn as a result of both war and peace agreements. Read on to learn more.... [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

The Eternal Capital for the Eternal People:  If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem

Why does Jerusalem capture the Jewish soul? Read more about the meaning of Jerusalem to the Jewish people, particularly in recent times. [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Israel > Jerusalem
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Technion Founded - February 9, 1925

Hey want a six-pack? What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Bezelel (Art/Design) Institute Founded - January 16, 1906

Hey want a six-pack? What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel�s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Artistic Expressions
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Start of Operation Magic Carpet - November 8, 1949

The primary goal of the State of Israel is to be the safe homeland of all Jews. This was best portrayed in its secret national projects to bring distressed Jewish communities "home" to Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Tel Aviv University Founded - November 4, 1964

Hey want a six-pack? What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Weitzman Institute Founded - November 2, 1949

Hey want a six-pack? What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Bar Ilan University Founded - August 7, 1955

Hey want a six-pack? What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Operation Solomon - May 24, 1991

Under complete secrecy, Operation Moses launched on November 19, 1984 and ended six short weeks later on January 5, 1985. During that period, some 8,000 Ethiopian Jews arrived in Israel via Sudan. The mission was not without its complications. Media leaks were partially to blame for the premature ending of the mission. As a result, the Sudanese government was pressured by the Arab nations to stop support for the program. Because of the premature ending to the Operation Moses, almost 15,000 Jews, or two thirds of the Beta Israel, were left behind in Ethiopia. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Israel Joins the United Nations - May 11, 1949

There are few nations of the world that can claim legitimacy like Israel. As a result of United Nations Resolution 181, the international community of nations, under the auspices of the newly formed United Nations, moved to divide the British mandate of Palestine into two nations: a Jewish State and an Arab State. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Haifa University Founded - April 30, 1963

Hey want a six-pack? What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Entebbe Rescue Operation - July 4 1976

One of the founding principles of the State of Israel was to be the homeland and protector of the Jewish people. This mandate was once again tested in the spring of 1976 when an Air France airplane traveling from Israel to Paris was hijacked. The aircraft refueled in Libya and then landed in Entebbe, Uganda in central Africa. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Events and Activities Ideas:  Operation Moses - February 26 1985

Isolated for centuries from the rest of the Jewish world, Jewish communities existed in the northern providence of Gondar in Ethiopia. They called themselves the Beta Israel � the House of Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

Events and Activities Ideas:  David Ben-Gurion Elected Prime Minster - January 25 1949

On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the State of Israel a sovereign and independence nation. While there were thousands who are to be credited for the establishment of the Jewish State, the most famous among them is David Ben-Gurion. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

The Late, Great Professor Leibovitz:  Letting Leibovitz Speak for Himself

Professor Yeshayahu Leibovitz was one of the most controversial figures whom I interviewed in my nearly three decades of journalism. And he literally victimized me; it was as though we were acting the sado-masochistic roles of professor and student in Ionesco�s play "The Lesson".Leibovitz answered me well enough, but he did so in explosive tones. He pontificated rather than lectured; envisioned rather than conversed; and he broke all the polite bounds of academic courtesy. And at the slightest hint of disagreement, his intellectual airs made it clear that I was an imbecile�any other explanation for not parroting his opinion was impossible.But truth be told, this most implacable of all of the critics of the Israeli establishment (including several confrontations with Ben-Gurion), played his role to the hilt. Biochemist and philosopher, born in Riga and educated in Germany, arriving in Israel in 1934, deeply Orthodox and radically left-wing, is considered by many in Israel to have been a true genius. Reader, be warned: he spares no one��.. [Full article...]
By: Egon Friedler
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Post-Zionism

November 4, 1995 - Tel Aviv City Hall Plaza:  Yitzhak Rabin's Last Speech

A Soldier of Peace Israel's Prime Minister and Minister of Defence from 1992-1995. Yitzhak Rabin was assasinated November 4, 1995 in Tel Aviv. [Full article...]
By: Yitzhak Rabin
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

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