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Resources and articles on Lost Tribes

Keifeng, China:  A Jewish Diaspora in the Orient

The lure of the Orient attracts scholars, writers and tourists to unearth, record and experience its history and folklore. The history of its minute Jewish Diaspora also draws much interest, perhaps due to the survival of a community in isolation from mainstream Jewish centers for about a millenium. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Jews Around the World
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

Events and Activities Ideas:  Operation Moses - February 26 1985

Isolated for centuries from the rest of the Jewish world, Jewish communities existed in the northern providence of Gondar in Ethiopia. They called themselves the Beta Israel � the House of Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

Sharonah's history classes:  The Ten Lost Tribes: When Dreams Die

In times of trouble, the Jewish people have held steadfastly to their myths.. One of these is the ten Lost Tribes, whose discovery will supposedly guarantee the coming of the Messiah. It is intertwined with the very idea of Jewish solidarity, a postulate which Sharonah questions. In today�s class, Sharonah unleashes a no-holds barred attack against those who preach Jewish solidarity, but do not practice it. Watch out for the barbs! [Full article...]
By: Marcelo Kisilevski Sharonah Fredericko
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

New Worlds and Forgotten Peoples:  Incas and Jews

In this opus Gustavo Perednik draws a fascinating parallel between two seemingly unrelated histories of cultural flowering, destruction, struggle and rebirth: that of the great Inca Empire, annihilated by Francisco Pizarro and a small band of adventurers (and the colonial might of Spain) in 1534; and the scattered Jewish people during the long centuries of the Diaspora, generally victims of whatever reigning power had dominion over them. By deepening our understanding of history from a non-Eurocentric perspective, this article offers an impassioned plea for recognition of the contributions of those peoples who do not conform to the "Western" model, in this case, the Quechua speaking nations of Ecuador and Peru, and the Jews. [Full article...]
By: Gustavo Perednik
Jews Around the World
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

Far-flung relatives in the Jewish world�����:  The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel: Looking for The Remnants

The literature dealing with the mysterious Ten Lost Tribes of Israel is so staggeringly vast that we can only hope to provide a brief outline. Undeniably, the concept of our far-flung brothers scattered to the four corners of the globe has lit the imagination of the Western World for many centuries; today, with the existence of the Jewish state, the legend has become a political dilemma: should Israel, according to its own Law of Return, recognize as citizens of the state every group that proclaims itself as a descendent of The Ten Lost Tribes? [Full article...]
By: Ariel Segal
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

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