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Perednik, Gustavo

[email protected]

Gustavo Perednik is Director of the Educational Program on the Jew's Role (
He graduated from the Hebrew University and completed doctoral studies in Philosophy in New York, complemented with courses in the Humanities in the Sorbonne of Paris, Uppsala in Sweden and San Marcos, Peru.
In Argentina he was founder-director of the Centro Hebreo Yonah, and in Israel he directed the Hebrew University Four-Year Program, the Institute for Youth Leaders and the Sephardic Educational Center. He was distinguished as outstanding lecturer at the Hebrew University.
He wrote six books on Jews and modernity and hundreds of articles which appeared in several languages and are partially accessible in the Internet.
He was guest lecturer at more than twenty universities abroad, in Europe, the Americas and China, and gave seminars in more than forty Jewish communites worldwide.

Judeophobia:  Europe's Trademark
The claim that the alleged danger of Judeophobia is an excuse to �silence anti-Israel criticism,� signifies a total shut down of warning systems against this worrying phenomenon. [Full article...]
International Relations

古斯塔沃 佩雷德尼克,耶路撒冷:  Bridges Between China and Israel (Chinese Version)
中以两国差别极大。论面积,中国比以色列大400倍;论人口,中国比以色列多200倍;中国乃亚洲的中心,而以色列是东西方连接点。尽管如此,中以间仍有许多共同之处,特此条列七点: [Full article...]
International Relations

Recently Revived Ancient Civilisations:  Bridges Between China and Israel
At first sight, it is difficult to imagine two nations more different to each other than China and Israel. China is four hundred times Israel’s size and two hundred times its population. One is the heart of Asia; the other a bridge between West and East. However, China and Israel have many characteristics in common. Here follow seven similarities. [Full article...]
International Relations

Jews and Gentiles in the Fictional Mirror:  Borges on The Jews
Two of the greatest writers of the last century, Jorge Luis Borges and James Joyce, illustrated the dilemmas of modern day humanity by focusing on the plight of the Jew: for Borges and Joyce, the Jewish condition was the perfect metaphor for a deeper understanding of the individual and society. Despite the two writers’ very genuine appreciation for the Jewish spiritual and intellectual tradition, they have not been granted sufficient attention in the Jewish world. In this informative piece, Gustavo Perednik sets out to set the record straight. [Full article...]
Artistic Expressions > Literature

New Worlds and Forgotten Peoples:  Incas and Jews
In this opus Gustavo Perednik draws a fascinating parallel between two seemingly unrelated histories of cultural flowering, destruction, struggle and rebirth: that of the great Inca Empire, annihilated by Francisco Pizarro and a small band of adventurers (and the colonial might of Spain) in 1534; and the scattered Jewish people during the long centuries of the Diaspora, generally victims of whatever reigning power had dominion over them. By deepening our understanding of history from a non-Eurocentric perspective, this article offers an impassioned plea for recognition of the contributions of those peoples who do not conform to the "Western" model, in this case, the Quechua speaking nations of Ecuador and Peru, and the Jews. [Full article...]
Jews Around the World
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

Jews and Intellectual Pastimes:  Judaism and Chess
For the author of this article, the Jewish inclination towards the most revered of all board games is not mere coincidence, but the result of intellectual and cultural factors which designates chess as a game perfectly suited to Jewish historical development. It is a challenging look at our own philosophical roots and an analysis of just how those roots come to the forefront, even in a light-hearted sense. [Full article...]
Artistic Expressions
Judaism > Cholent: Little bit O' this, Little bit O' that