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Resources and Articles by Batsheva Pomerantz


Pomerantz, Batsheva

Batsheva Pomerantz is a freelance writer and editor. Her feature articles and news items have been published in the Jerusalem Post supplements, press services, web sites, and publications in the Jewish world. Fluent in Hebrew, her articles have also appeared in the Israeli Hebrew press. Many of her articles deal with the connection between Israel and the Diaspora, immigration, Zionist history and enhancing Jewish identity.

Batsheva edits a monthly newsletter promoting Aliya from North America. Entitled "Chosen People to the Chosen Land", it can be read on the web site of the Orthodox Union at: .

Born in New York, Batsheva came on Aliya as a child in 1969 with her parents. She lives with her family in Jerusalem.

Seven Species:  A Blessing For the Land
�For the autumn has passed and the rain is over and gone. The blossoms are seen in the country, the season of the songbird arrived and the sound of the turtle-dove is heard in our land. The fig has ripened its fruit, the vine�s flowers have given their scent�. (Song of Songs, 2, 11-13) [Full article...]
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Tu Bishvat

Dental Volunteers for Israel:  Filling the Gaps in Israeli Society
Dental Volunteers for Israel, a unique program for dentists from abroad who would like to contribute to Israel, provides free dental care to needy Jerusalem children. [Full article...]
Aliyah InfoBase > Life as a Tourist (and the next step...)
Israel Programs

The Bergsonites' Mission:  Rescuing Jews
On October 6, 1943, two days before Yom Kippur, 400 rabbis marched toward the White House calling attention to the plight of their European Jewish brethren, slaughtered systematically by the Nazis. [Full article...]
International Relations

Putting it into Practice:  Learning Hebrew
I came on Aliyah from New York as a child with my parents in 1969. Besides having trouble with plural, possessives and gender agreement, my throat hurt from trying to emulate the rolling "r"s used by sabras. [Full article...]
Aliyah InfoBase > Aliyah Preparation
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Judaism > Jewish Languages

Keifeng, China:  A Jewish Diaspora in the Orient
The lure of the Orient attracts scholars, writers and tourists to unearth, record and experience its history and folklore. The history of its minute Jewish Diaspora also draws much interest, perhaps due to the survival of a community in isolation from mainstream Jewish centers for about a millenium. [Full article...]
Jews Around the World
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

The Academy for the Hebrew Language:  Speaking Up With the Times
For a great introduction to the history of Hebrew and it's modern development, read on.... [Full article...]
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Judaism > Jewish Languages

Orthodox Conversion in Israel:  Modern-Day Ruth
Conversion in modern-day Israel is a challenging and life-changing experience. Read on for a personal story. [Full article...]
Judaism > Conversion

Daily Resistance During the Holocaust:  Keeping the Flame of Torah Alive
Pomerantz discusses Jewish resistance through spiritual strength and fortitude exhibited by Jews during the Holocaust. [Full article...]

The Passover Haggadah:  Tell and Show
The Haggadah, from the Hebrew root "to tell" (he-gid), emphasizing its narrative nature, has actually been printed in more editions and languages than any other Jewish book. Pomerantz introduces us to different Haggadot. [Full article...]
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Pesach
Judaism > Jewish Symbols
Judaism > Jewish Texts

Going Against the Tide :  Danish Educators in Israel
The threat of an Iraqi attack, the ongoing intifada and stormy weather could not stop a group of seventeen Danish educators from attending a seminar on the Holocaust organized by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem recently. [Full article...]
Museums and Memorials

The Rosenbaum Mezuzah Collection:  A Case for the Mezuzah
Batsheva Pomerantz introduces the reader to the mezuzah collection displayed at the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem while providing information on the historical, religious, and cultural significance of the mezuzah. [Full article...]
Judaism > Jewish Symbols

No Abbreviations With Thousands of Olim:  Yakov Maimon
Batsheva Pomerantz introduces us to Yakov Maimon. In addition to being Israel's first stenographer, he helped thousands of new immigrants to Israel integrate into Israeli society. [Full article...]
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim

A Visit to Poland:  A Voyage to Zionism
This trip during summer break was not meant for fun and relaxation. It was the massa l'Polin, Hebrew for "voyage to Poland", undertaken by thousands of Israeli students in their senior year. [Full article...]
Museums and Memorials

Underground Figher:  The Baker's Daughter
Youth from all backgrounds enlisted in the Lehi, the pre-State underground movement. This article describes a teenaged girl from a Hassidic background. Today, a guide in the Lehi Museum in Tel Aviv, she recalls the sense of mission doubled with the painful split in the Jewish Yishuv. [Full article...]
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

A Little Known Chapter in the History of Modern Zionism:  The Battle of Beer Sheba
The crucial Battle of Beer Sheba in October 1917, the intelligence officer responsible for its success, and the memory of three Jews all come together in a fast-paced historical fiction. [Full article...]
Israel > Places of Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Tel Chai :  The Lion's Dame
When my sons planned their big event of the summer, kayaking on the Jordan River in the Hula Valley (a former swamp in northern Israel), they didn't realize that I was planning a rendezvous with a piece of my own history, which links up with a major symbol from the history of pre-State Israel. [Full article...]
Israel > Places of Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Museums and Memorials