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Resources and articles on Places of Israel

Dimona:  Creating a Green Oasis

Communal development, environmental consciousness, social support systems and ensuing pride: all these in the small Negev town of Dimona, where people realized that each and every one of them can make a difference - in this case, for their own good. [Full article...]
By: Kobi Ben-Simhon
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Israeli Society
Israel > Places of Israel

The Kibbutz in transformation:  Socialism�s Last Stand

With the news that Kibbutz Degania Aleph, the symbol of the Kibbutz settlement in Israel will be going through the privatization process that has taken hold of the kibbutz movement and its accompanying ideology, this article is more relevant than ever in understanding the transformation of a formerly proud entity. [Full article...]
By: Joshua  Muravchik
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Places of Israel

A timeless kibbutz experience:  Kibbutz Baram - An Apple of a Time

Kibbutz: a socialist endeavor for settlement, an international movement of friendship or both? This article tackles these issues through first-hand experience. [Full article...]
By: Simon Trainor
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Places of Israel

Nature, Religion, Belief and Civilization:  The City and Tel of Dan

The Dan river generally conjures up images of refreshing water and green foilage. This geographical location can also teach us about historical clashes of belief and civilization. Mordechai Beck explains in the following article. [Full article...]
By: Mordechai Beck
Israel > Places of Israel

Part 2:  Jaffa Today

As we mentioned in the previous article, the city of Jaffa sits on layers of history. As with all modern restorations, the real issue for planners and local municipalities is what items to retain and what to discard for historical reasons as well as for the tourists. In addition, it is important to retain some sense of continuity between the old and new. What follows is an attempt to show how the authorities have tried to create a balance between these various dimensions of the city, even as the city itself expands and develops. [Full article...]
By: Mordechai Beck
Israel > Places of Israel
Museums and Memorials

A Little Known Chapter in the History of Modern Zionism:  The Battle of Beer Sheba

The crucial Battle of Beer Sheba in October 1917, the intelligence officer responsible for its success, and the memory of three Jews all come together in a fast-paced historical fiction. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Israel > Places of Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

The Names Behind The Signs:  Theodor (Binyamin Ze'ev) Herzl: Herzylia - Part 1

Street signs in Israel bear names of individuals, past and present, who have contributed significantly to the nation�s development. During the time of ancient Israel, leaders tended to be warriors and prophets. During the Exile, when the Jewish People were scattered around the world without a land of their own, leaders tended to be scholars, teachers and rabbis. In the 20th century, the Jewish people survived the Holocaust and established their own nation. Jewish leaders in this century have been soldiers, political leaders, academics and philanthropists. Using street signs as direction, this series will briefly introduce the leading personalities in Israeli history. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Israel > Places of Israel
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Tel Chai :  The Lion's Dame

When my sons planned their big event of the summer, kayaking on the Jordan River in the Hula Valley (a former swamp in northern Israel), they didn't realize that I was planning a rendezvous with a piece of my own history, which links up with a major symbol from the history of pre-State Israel. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Israel > Places of Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Museums and Memorials

Part 1:  The Magic of Jaffa

As this short excerpt demonstrates, the city of Jaffa has had a long and varied history. Like the rest of the country, it was open to all the various civilizations that swept back and forth through this area for the purposes of trade, international communication or conquest. Had today�s city council wished it, the entire area of Jaffa would be one vast excavation � so numerous are its findings! [Full article...]
By: Mordechai Beck
Israel > Places of Israel
Museums and Memorials

Places of Israel:  Acre - Past and Future - Part II

In the second part of Mordechai Beck's look at the history of Acre, he takes a look at the city from Crusader times up until the modern State of Israel. [Full article...]
By: Mordechai Beck
Israel > Places of Israel

The Names Behind The Signs:  Rothschild Boulevard

Street signs in Israel bear names of individuals, past and present, who have contributed significantly to the nation�s development. During the time of ancient Israel, leaders tended to be warriors and prophets. During the Exile, when the Jewish People were scattered around the world without a land of their own, leaders tended to be scholars, teachers and rabbis. In the 20th century, the Jewish people survived the Holocaust and established their own nation. Jewish leaders in this century have been soldiers, political leaders, academics and philanthropists. Using street signs as direction, this series will briefly introduce the leading personalities in Israeli history. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Israel > Places of Israel
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

Places of Israel:  Acre - Past and Future - Part I

Until recently, Acre was known to Israelis for its yearly Fringe Theatre Festival as well as its way above average unemployment figures. For much of the past year or so, visitors to this city of around 45,000 people, would findhistory, tradition, culture, the whiff of ancient civilizations, the authentic touch. themselves walking through near deserted streets and empty lanes and squares that constitute much of the picturesque walled old city and adjacent ancient port. [Full article...]
By: Mordechai Beck
Israel > Places of Israel

The Names Behind The Signs:  Dizengoff Street

There is almost no major personality in Israel that doesn�t have a street in Tel Aviv named after them; and there�s almost no community which symbolizes something in the life of the Jewish people that doesn�t have a street named for it in Tel Aviv. Initially, streets were not given official names, but were called variously by early residents. Eventually, however, street names became another way of marking the city as Hebrew, and the names were often drawn from Jewish history or important personalities in contemporary Jewish Life. One of the sanctioned sites in Tel Aviv is Dizengoff Street. Having an almost mythic ability to announce the city�s essence, Dizengoff Street is an example of how a street has become instantiated in a city�s collective memory. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Israel > Places of Israel
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age

An Insiders Guide:  Beersheva

A wide-eyed Californian on a ten-day high, I encountered Beersheva in the early-70s on my first visit to Zion. Aside from its tawny, tawdry brownness, what most struck my imagination were thoroughfares named Avraham Avinu and Yitzhak Avinu. How piquant, how JEWISH to be driving down Father Abraham Street. B'RAISHIT reports our Patriarch spent considerable energy digging and securing wells, without which life in this habitat was unthinkable. Today Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, and Ashdod, each in its fashion as amorphous as LA, are leastwise lapped by the perpetual play of brine and spray, but the edge of the Old City, even the kitschy enclosure labeled Abraham's Well, of dubious provenance, is only virtually damp. [Full article...]
By: Haim Chertok
Israel > Places of Israel

Places of Israel:  The Enigma of Masada

For years, Massada has served the State of Israel as a sombre symbol of perseverance and heroism. Towering 450 metres above the south-western rim of the Dead Sea, the flat-topped limestone mountain offers a spectacular piece of real estate that has drawn kings and conquerors, idealists, dreamers, and people on the run. The two most obvious historical associations still in evidence today -- are those of King Herod I and the Sicari. [Full article...]
By: Mordechai Beck
Israel > Places of Israel
Jewish History > 0070 - 0600: Talmudic Age

The Names Behind The Signs:  David Ben-Gurion Boulevard

Street signs in Israel bear names of individuals, past and present, who have contributed significantly to the nation�s development. During the time of ancient Israel, leaders tended to be warriors and prophets. During the Exile, when the Jewish People were scattered around the world without a land of their own, leaders tended to be scholars, teachers and rabbis. In the 20th century, the Jewish people survived the Holocaust and established their own nation. Jewish leaders in this century have been soldiers, political leaders, academics and philanthropists. Using street signs as direction, this series will briefly introduce the leading personalities in Israeli history. [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
Israel > Places of Israel
Israel > Politics
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

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