Resources and articles on Life in Israel

Communal development, environmental consciousness, social support systems and ensuing pride: all these in the small Negev town of Dimona, where people realized that each and every one of them can make a difference - in this case, for their own good.
Kobi Ben-Simhon
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Israeli Society
Places of Israel
The national mood is something very real in Israel. In this article the author touches upon the realism of the difficulties of life in Israel versus the meaning of life; all of which find expression in the national mood and the Zionist platform that shape Israeli society.
Yair Sheleg
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Israeli Society
With the news that Kibbutz Degania Aleph, the symbol of the Kibbutz settlement in Israel will be going through the privatization process that has taken hold of the kibbutz movement and its accompanying ideology, this article is more relevant than ever in understanding the transformation of a formerly proud entity.
Joshua Muravchik
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Places of Israel
"'Don't be a freier' is practically the 11th commandment of the Israeli," wrote Haaretz's Benny Ziffer in 2006. How has such a great fear of being a freier developed in Israel, of all places? ...
Shahar Ilan
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Israeli Society
Establishing a new life in Israel is fraught with jubilation as well as challenges. In this poignant series of correspondences to friends and family, Jo Mandel reflects about her first three months in Israel.
Jo Mandel
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Voices of the Young
Kibbutz: a socialist endeavor for settlement, an international movement of friendship or both? This article tackles these issues through first-hand experience.
Simon Trainor
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Places of Israel
A young American who served as volunteer in Israel, shares with us his memorable learning experience at the "Save a Child's Heart" organization, where a group of cardiologists, pediatric heart surgeons and nurses donate their time in order to save as many children's lives as possible. With the slogan of �a child is a child�, they operate on any child in need regardless of religion, race, sex, or background creating the wonderful side effect of spreading tolerance and acceptance of each other's cultures.
Hagshama Department
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Jews Around the World
Social Action Organizations
Voices of the Young
SHILO was established as a non-profit organization in 1976 by a group of family doctors, social workers, and nurses, aims to encourage responsible sexual behavior, thereby reducing the risk of unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, and to provide assistance to women and couples facing unplanned pregnancy, including legal abortion.
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
The following article intends to look at the recent rise of incitement against the disengagement plan and more specifically against Ariel Sharon against the backdrop of the Yitzchak Rabin assassination and incitement campaign of 1995.
Dovi Myers
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Peace Process
This is the third article in the series on Israeli culture. I touches upon issues differences in the understanding of concepts such as time, authority and rules.
Katrina Jacobs
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase
Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran
�Israelis simply do not have the same concept of �minding one�s own business� as other nations have. In Israel, everything and everybody is everyone else�s business. If Israelis keep their bedroom windows closed while being intimate, it is for fear of being shouted at with neighbourly advice.
The Xenophobe�s� Guide to The Israelis (i)
Katrina Jacobs
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah Preparation
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase
Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Aliyah InfoBase
Useful Information for the Oleh
Aliyah InfoBase
Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran
Whereas the diaspora movements were built on hopes and dreams, the members who actually moved to Eretz Israel set about actively trying to bring those hopes to fruition.
Carl Schrag
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Zionism and the Diaspora
The third in a series of articles on olim, features Devra Stark, a North American immigrant who reflects on religious life in Israel, marriage to another oleh and how it all comes together in Jerusalem.
Ari Miller
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah Preparation
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase
Useful Information for the Oleh
The writers of this article attended the 'Do the Write Thing' conference in Jerusalem in November. Here, they share their impressions on the conflicted region.
Laura Mehl
Jennifer Bauser
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Israel Programs
Media and the Press
Peace Process
The second in a series of articles on olim features Rachel Frankel, a North American immigrant, who reflects on living in Jerusalem, studying in University and various other aspects of life in her new home.
Ari Miller
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase
Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Aliyah InfoBase
Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran
I begin with a confession. Whenever I return from hutz l'aretz, a rather large domain of endless sky, all the great seas, and practically all the beaches and the total land mass on earth, I recite Psalm 126: Shir hama'alot: b'shuv HaShem et shivat Tzion, hayinu k'kholmin , ("When the Lord brought back those who returned to Zion we were as dreamers").
Michael Rosenak
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
My response to the question "What do you miss most about England?" always contains the three F�s � Family, Friends and Football [soccer]. My assumption is that most of you regard the first two as self-explanatory, and therefore I�m going to dwell on the latter.
Anton Marks
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
The first in a series of articles on olim features Ariel Baum, a South African immigrant, who continues the family tradition of serving in the IDF while learning about various aspects of life in his new home.
Ari Miller
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Things are never quite how you expect them to be. That goes for aliya too. No doubt people have different expectations, and I can only speak for myself, but after seven years of being here how does the reality compare to the dream?
Deborah Meghnagi
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase
Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran
For more than ten years, they've been tucked away in the back closet of every Israeli household. The last time we took them out was about five years ago, when we dusted off those ugly brown oblong boxes in response to some minor standoff with Saddam Hussein. But in recent weeks, radio, TV and newspaper public service ads have been exhorting us to bring our old gas masks in for replacement.
Judy Lash Balint
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
If you are at all familiar with Israeli culture � and you probably are if you�re considering living here � then you will have heard of protektzia.
Deborah Meghnagi
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase
Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Aliyah InfoBase
Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran
Sue Tourkin-Komet finds herself reflecting on her Jewish experiences as a youth, sparked by an encounter in a Medical Center in Jerusalem.
Sue Tourkin-Komet
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
A trip to Caesarea for a performance of the UK dance sensation �Stomp' made British-born Deborah Meghnagi feel she belongs in Israel.
Deborah Meghnagi
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Elazar Larry Freifeld looks at the aliyah process from a personal perspective - and what we find is an emotional, and often amusing roller-coaster ride, following the trials and tribulations of his family's immigration and absorption into Israel.
Elazar Larry Freifeld
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
Having a monetary dispute with a local merchant, your plumber or the guy who plowed into your car? Taking them to Small Claims Court may be the solution.
Eli Birnbaum
Aliyah InfoBase
Life in Israel
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