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Resources and articles on Israeli Society

Dimona:  Creating a Green Oasis

Communal development, environmental consciousness, social support systems and ensuing pride: all these in the small Negev town of Dimona, where people realized that each and every one of them can make a difference - in this case, for their own good. [Full article...]
By: Kobi Ben-Simhon
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Israeli Society
Israel > Places of Israel

Jewish, Hebrew, multicultural...?:  Israel is a Hebrew State

How is Israeli society shaped? Who are the players, and what are their roles? At least regarding the issue of the official language of the state, this article tackles these questions and offers insights as to where the current trends stem from and where they may lead. [Full article...]
By: Zvi Zameret
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Israel > Israeli Society

End of Religious Marriages?:  A Call for Revolt

Whether an honest call of distress or a provocation, this is a new voice in the Israeli society hoping to find a better alternative to the institution of religious marriages controlled by the rabbinate. [Full article...]
By: Avirama Golan
Israel > Israeli Society
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Women
Judaism > Life Cycle

A Wake-up Call:  Israel's Withdrawal from the IDF

It will no longer be possible to rely on the fact that the IDF will be an outstanding army if outstanding people do not serve in it. It will not be possible to live a life of hedonism and prosperity here without supporting the army that fights to defend all that. It will not be possible to carouse behind the broad shoulders of the IDF without strengthening those shoulders and standing behind them. [Full article...]
By: Ari Shavit
Israel > Israeli Society

Releasing hostages vs. terrorists:  Adopt the Ghetto Strategy

In the 13th century, the Maharam of Rotenburg, the leading Ashkenazi sage of the time, was kidnapped and a huge ransom was demanded for his release. The ransom was of course collected, but the Maharam forbade it to be paid. Today we are dealing with similar issues, but so many additional considerations affect our behaviour. [Full article...]
By: Israel Harel
Israel > Israeli Society
Israel > Politics
Peace Process > Terrorism

Women and Judaism:  Want a Get? Forego Compensation

The influence of Rabbinic Courts on the lives of Israeli citizens can be significant when issues of divorce are discussed. This article brings the story of a woman and a plea to rectify the system that perpetuates apparent injustices. [Full article...]
By: Tamar Rotem
Israel > Israeli Society
Judaism > Jewish Women

Hebron Jews:  How Easy it is to Hate Them

What is it that makes the Jews of Hebron such a target of hatred, not only by the Palestinians, the Arabs, the world, but also by a majority of Israelis too? This article approaches the issue with wisdom and sensitivity. [Full article...]
By: Nadav Shragai
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Israeli Society
Peace Process

Israeli Arabs:  Equality of Obligations

"Are we destined to live with a large minority in our midst that feels dissatisfied with its lot and identifies with Israel's enemies rather than with Israel itself, whose citizenship they share with the country's Jewish citizens?" In the following article the author shares his insight and experience with his readers on this complicated issue. [Full article...]
By: Moshe Arens
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Israel > Israeli Society

THE land for the Jews?:  Enough with Despair

The national mood is something very real in Israel. In this article the author touches upon the realism of the difficulties of life in Israel versus the meaning of life; all of which find expression in the national mood and the Zionist platform that shape Israeli society. [Full article...]
By: Yair Sheleg
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Israeli Society

Religious Zionism post-disengagement:  Stop the Orange Torrent

The religious Zionist movement has undergone a significantly stressful period following the disengagement from the Gaza Strip. This article brings us a fresh look to this public which is far from being uniform. [Full article...]
By: Shai Binyamini
Israel > Israeli Society
Peace Process > Disengagement Plan 2005

Amona as a symbol?:  Fed Up With the State

The evacuation of Amona brought with it many diverse sentiments within the Religious Zionist public. A year and a half later, the wounds have still not healed and the discussion on the issue is very alive. [Full article...]
By: Nadav Shragai
Israel > Israeli Society
Peace Process > Disengagement Plan 2005
Zionism > Religious Zionism

The additional commandment:  Thou Shalt Not be a Freier

"'Don't be a freier' is practically the 11th commandment of the Israeli," wrote Haaretz's Benny Ziffer in 2006. How has such a great fear of being a freier developed in Israel, of all places? ... [Full article...]
By: Shahar Ilan
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Israeli Society

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