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Resources and articles on Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

Israeli Orientation to Rules, Time and Authority:  UNDERSTANDING CULTURE PART THREE

This is the third article in the series on Israeli culture. I touches upon issues differences in the understanding of concepts such as time, authority and rules. [Full article...]
By: Katrina Jacobs
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

Israeli Communication Style and Boundaries:  UNDERSTANDING CULTURE PART TWO

�Israelis simply do not have the same concept of �minding one�s own business� as other nations have. In Israel, everything and everybody is everyone else�s business. If Israelis keep their bedroom windows closed while being intimate, it is for fear of being shouted at with neighbourly advice. The Xenophobe�s� Guide to The Israelis (i) [Full article...]
By: Katrina Jacobs
Aliyah InfoBase > Aliyah Preparation
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase > Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Information for the Oleh
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

Faces of Aliyah:  Rachel Frankel

The second in a series of articles on olim features Rachel Frankel, a North American immigrant, who reflects on living in Jerusalem, studying in University and various other aspects of life in her new home. [Full article...]
By: Ari Miller
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase > Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

Aliyah:  Then and Now

Balint looks at the way aliyah, and the way people make aliyah, has changed since the 1960's and 1970's. [Full article...]
By: Judy Lash Balint
Aliyah InfoBase > Aliyah Preparation
Aliyah InfoBase > Aliyah Statistics
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Culture Clash or Cultural Compatibility:  Understanding Culture Part 1

After providing a basic definition of culture and its influences on us, this article outlines the basic Israeli cultural orientation with suggestions for how to orient oneself more successfully to the cultural reality in Israel. [Full article...]
By: Katrina Jacobs
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

Sources, Symptoms, Solutions:  Culture Shock

The first in a series of three articles, this article looks at the experience of crossing cultures, particularly as it relates to aliyah. You will learn: what culture shock is, what causes it, and tips for how it can be managed. [Full article...]
By: Katrina Jacobs
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

Aliyah Seven Years On:  Scratching the Seven Year Itch

Things are never quite how you expect them to be. That goes for aliya too. No doubt people have different expectations, and I can only speak for myself, but after seven years of being here how does the reality compare to the dream? [Full article...]
By: Deborah  Meghnagi
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

Protektzia, that is. :  Don�t worry, you�ve got it!

If you are at all familiar with Israeli culture � and you probably are if you�re considering living here � then you will have heard of protektzia. [Full article...]
By: Deborah  Meghnagi
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Aliyah InfoBase > Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

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