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Resources and articles on Ulpanim

Putting it into Practice:  Learning Hebrew

I came on Aliyah from New York as a child with my parents in 1969. Besides having trouble with plural, possessives and gender agreement, my throat hurt from trying to emulate the rolling "r"s used by sabras. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Aliyah InfoBase > Aliyah Preparation
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Judaism > Jewish Languages

The Academy for the Hebrew Language:  Speaking Up With the Times

For a great introduction to the history of Hebrew and it's modern development, read on.... [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Judaism > Jewish Languages

A Personal Reflection:  Ulpan Akiva

Efrem Sigel reflects on his experience learning Hebrew at Ulpan Akiva under the shaddow of the intifada. [Full article...]
By: Efrem Sigel
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Israel Programs
Judaism > Jewish Languages

No Abbreviations With Thousands of Olim:  Yakov Maimon

Batsheva Pomerantz introduces us to Yakov Maimon. In addition to being Israel's first stenographer, he helped thousands of new immigrants to Israel integrate into Israeli society. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim

Merkaz Klita for Youth and Students:  The Aba Hushi Students Center

The "Aba Hushi Students' Center was established in 1965. It has advantageous location - near the sea and close to the central bus station, which makes the University, Technion and other institutions of education highly accessible. [Full article...]
Aliyah InfoBase > Housing
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Information for the Oleh

Hebrew today:  A Passing Phrase

Welcome to the Passing Phrase Page! [Full article...]
Aliyah InfoBase > Ulpanim
Judaism > Jewish Languages

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