Resources and articles on Tu Bishvat

�For the autumn has passed and the rain is over and gone. The blossoms are seen in the country, the season of the songbird arrived and the sound of the turtle-dove is heard in our land. The fig has ripened its fruit, the vine�s flowers have given their scent�. (Song of Songs, 2, 11-13)
Batsheva Pomerantz
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
Sue Tourkin-Komet takes us on a tour of Tu B'shvat sedars in Jerusalem, while giving us a flavor of of the various options and how they reflect different dimensions of the holiday.
Sue Tourkin-Komet
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
On the 15th day of the month of Shvat on the Jewish calendar, we celebrate Tu B’Shevat or the “new year for the trees.” Tu B’Shevat is the time of the year when we remember our unique connection between Judaism and nature. It is a reminder that spring and the fresh fruits of the harvest are not too far off.
12th House
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
Trees and Jewish life are intimately intertwined, especially on the theological and philosophical level. In this little magnum opus, Artie Fischer takes us on a journey throughout the world of natural symbolism and the Jewish festival of Tu BiShevat, itself dedicated to the significance of forests, trees, andthe agricultural aspects of the Land of Israel. To those of us who have grown up in urban environments, where trees are often seen as intrusions in our cosmopolitan landscape, this article will be a real eye-opener.
Artie Fischer
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
Ideas on how to celebrate Tu B'Shvat and how to link the holiday to the land of Israel through planting trees.
Stephanie Glick
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
These new years are not necessarily marked by religious ceremonies today, but have been absorbed into the formal Jewish calendar. They are: the first of Tishrei, Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish calendar; the first of Iyar, recording the reign of the kings of Israel; the first of Elul, celebrating the tithing of cattle; and the fifteenth of Shevat, marking the new year for trees.
Rivka Zuckerman
Ilana Sobel
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
he Talmud has many stories which deal with the respect Judaism has for nature. TU Bishvat, the 15 of the month of Shevat, celebrates the praise of the land of Israel. It is a renewal of our contact with the land and nature.
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
The funny thing about this "holiday" which we call Tu Bishvat is its inconspicuousness in Jewish literature. Of course it is mentioned in books about the Jewish calendar. However, beyond that, in the massive volumes of the Talmud, and in later halachic literature it is discussed only briefly.
Robin Treistman
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
Dear Sirs of the City Commission, I hope that you don't find this awkward, but I felt a need to write you after hearing a vicious rumor from my neighbor. You don't know me by name, but you may know me by sight. I am a tree currently living on a busy, central street in your beautiful city, Jerusalem.
Robin Treistman
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
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