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Resources and Articles by Efraim Karsh


Karsh, Efraim

[email protected]

Ephraim Karsh is a historian and author and teaches war studies at London's Kings College.

Democracy at test:  Israel's Arabs v. Israel
A minority in the Jewish state has become dangerously radicalized, but not for the reasons usually cited. [Full article...]
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Peace Process > The Palestinians

What is Really Going On?:  Saddam and the Palestinians
The idea that we cannot successfully challenge Iraq without first resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict is both false and dangerous. [Full article...]
Peace Process > Terrorism

Commentary Magazine, May 2001:  The Palestinians and The 'Right of Return'
Since the birth of the Jewish state in 1948, there have been two Arab-Israeli conflicts. The first one was, and is, military in nature. Played out on the battlefield, it has had more than its share of heroes, villains, martyrs, and victims. The second, less bloody but no less incendiary, has been the battle over the historical culpability for the 1948 war and the accompanying dispersion of large numbers of Palestinian Arabs. [Full article...]
Peace Process > The Palestinians

Commentary Magazine, July-August 2000:  Were The Palestinians Expelled?
Since the birth of the Jewish state in 1948, there have been two Arab-Israeli conflicts. The first one was, and is, military in nature. Played out on the battlefield, it has had more than its share of heroes, villains, martyrs, and victims. The second, less bloody but no less incendiary, has been the battle over the historical culpability for the 1948 war and the accompanying dispersion of large numbers of Palestinian Arabs. [Full article...]
Peace Process > The Palestinians