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Resources and articles on 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)

Voices From the Past: Ber Borochov:  Herbraismus Militans

In Israel and in the rest of the Jewish world, the passionate fight between Hebrew and Yiddish is sometimes easily forgotten. Today we look back nearly 100 years, to a time when the future dominance of Hebrew over Yiddish was not at all certain. Ber Borochov, early Zionist and co-founder of the Poale Zion Party (later to split into the Mapai Party and the Mapam Party), demonstrates the drama of the debate in an article published in 1913. [Full article...]
By: Dov Ber Borochov
Jewish History > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Judaism > Jewish Languages
People > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Emancipation:  Zionism as a Movement of National Liberation

Emancipation and the unprecedented integration into larger society presented opportunities but also many challenges Jews had never faced before and were not prepared to face. [Full article...]
By: Shlomo Avineri
Jewish History > 1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

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